Safe Haven

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The painful throbbing of your head forced you awake from a rather pleasant sleep. The harsh light from the sun made you wince and you brought your hands up to shield your eyes. Well, you tried to.

You tried to move but the more you struggled the more the rope binding your arms behind your back dug deeper into your skin. Giving up, you lifted your head and warmly greeted the sight of Tanjiro thanking Ubuyashiki for his kindness. You must've woken up at the end of his trial.

A small smile spread on your face and you closed your eyes, reveling in the warmth of the sun you hadn't seen in months. You used to always say that you preferred night more than day and that if you had it your way, you'd make it so that it was always night. You'd never have guessed how happy you'd be to see the sun again.

"Ah you've awakened. Just in time for your trial as well." Ubuyashiki was looking directly at you, something you would've been slightly creeped out by if you hadn't already known who he was, "Trial? What am I on trial for, I didn't do anything."

Ubuyashiki smiled at you and opened his mouth to answer your question but was rudely interrupted, "You. It's you!" Tanjiro was staring wide eyed at you.

"Oh shit uhhhh...I'm sorry, do I know you?" You lied straight through your teeth and you knew that he could tell that you were lying but you just hoped your smile was enough to convince everyone else otherwise. "You were with him! You were with Muzan that night I know it was you!"

You chuckled nervously, "I'm sorry I don't know anyone by that name..Are you sure you haven't mistaken me for someone else?"

"You're lying, it was you! I know it was you!"

You groaned and banged your head into the ground, "Damn you and your stupid freaky bloodhound nose talents. You're like a human lie detector I swear to god I wish the floor would swallow me whole, at this point I'd rather be back at the cult. At least I'd get to see Aiko again..."

"Tanjiro, are you saying they know Muzan?" He nodded, "Yes Oyakata-sama, the night I met with Muzan they were with him. And it seemed as if they were...married."

At this your head shot up, "EXCUSE ME?! MARRIED?! I AM NOT MARRIED TO THAT STUPID DOUCHE BAG! HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT I WOULD NEVER MARRY SOMEONE LIKE HIM! I mean don't get me wrong he's extremely hot and I'd definitely hook up with him BUT MARRY HIM?! I WOULD RATHER DIE THA-" You were forced to stop talking when your head was kicked into the ground.

"Be quiet and let Oyakata-sama talk."

Blood filled your mouth when your head hit the ground, "You mabe be bite my toungef you athhole."

"Thank you Obanai, but I would like them to be able to talk. Now, if you aren't married to Muzan Kibutsuji, then why were you with him?" Obanai lifted his foot off your head and you gave a brief explanation of everything that had led up to now.

"So you had gotten kidnapped by Upper Moon 2, and was then taken to an Upper Moon meeting to be brought to Muzan?" You nodded in conformation. "I mean no offense by this question, but why would Muzan want someone like you?"

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