Sibling Love

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Japanese will be underlined


The sky twinkled slightly as the first stars of the evening appeared. In the distance you could see the fading orange hue of the setting sun disappearing beyond the horizon. 

Of course you were far too busy to notice any of that given you were deeply engrossed in the task at hand.

You were making flower crowns for you and Rui. 

You had finished making one for you but sadly enough, you had run out of flowers for a second one. Looking behind you, Rui had dropped down from a nearby tree to sit beside you.

"They have sent more Demon Slayers tonight." 

You carefully placed the flower crown atop your head. "I feel kinda bad for them, I mean they're all just dying for no reason."

"Don't concern yourself with them, they'll all die quick and painless deaths anyways." He brushed some hair out of your face. He was lying for the most part, but you had learned not to concern yourself with the lives of people you had never, and will never meet. It may sound cold but people died everyday, who were you to play god?

Although you were a total hypocrite considering your goal of trying to save the hashira.

"I'm gonna go pick some more flowers ok?" You stood up and looked down at Rui.

"Alright, stay nearby. I don't want you getting involved in the fighting." You nodded and with that you skipped into the forest. 


8 hours later


You would be lying if you said you weren't lost. It took you hours to gather enough flowers for another flower crown and then another couple hours to finish said flower crown. You then wandered around in random directions trying to find the small clearing you last saw Rui in.

That clearing was like a small safe haven. Rui had surrounded the clearing with smaller, lesser demons to guard and keep watch over the area to make sure nothing dangerous would ever get close to you. He would spend the nights with you and occasionally patrol the mountain for anything significant. 

You smiled when you heard Rui's voice in the distance and jogged towards it but froze when you saw the scene in front of you. 

Tanjiro and Nezuko were on the ground bloody and bruised, with Giyuu standing in front of him. You stood frozen in the tree line and just watched. You knew what was going to happen, you knew he was going to die. But there was still a small part of you that hoped he wouldn't. But then it happened. Rui's head fell to the floor and thats when he saw you.


You ran and pushed past Giyuu and the approaching figure of Shinobu. You ignored the look of shock on their faces, you didn't care. 

You fell near his body and grabbed his head, pulling both close to your body. 


You placed his slowly disintegrating head on top of his body like it would reattach itself. 

"Y/n...You need to leave.." 

You shook your head. "No, no, I'm not gonna leave you! I won't leave you, I don't want to leave you."


"NO! I can't just leave you here. You didn't even get to try on your flower crown.."

He laughed a little bit and hugged you the best he could. "I remember what it feels like now, what it feels like to be loved. Thank you, Y/n."

You placed the flower crown on his head. "Please don't leave me Rui....I love you."

"I love you too. You were the best sibling ever.."

Rui's hold on you went weak, and you held him. You held him until his body was gone, and all that was left of him was his yukata and the flower crown you made him. 

Your eyes were blurred with tears that never fell, so you never saw the handle of Shinobu's sword until you felt it on the back of your head, and then everything went black. 

You also hadn't seen the smile on Rui's face before he died.


Taishō Era Secrets


Tanjiro cried when he smelled how sad you were 

No one understood what you and Rui were saying at the end


NOTE: I apologize for the super late update and the short chapter! I would've made this chapter longer BUT my boy Rui deserves his own chapter. My updates may be inconsistent for a little while.

Next update: This Friday (hopefully)

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