The Mugen Train (pt. 1)

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Japanese will be underlined

So it's been a YEAR. SORRY. Anyways I'm a much better writer now :p and if there's inconsistencies in the storyline just ignore it cause TRUST it's gonna be better that way. Also I'm gonna make a playlist that encapsulates Y/n's character to me I'll link it in the next chapter if you guys want. ;p

Lets go fuck Muzan


You make your way on to the train taking good care to conceal the katana in the sleeve of your yukata. Taking a seat you sigh and look over to Yoriichi. "I'm so glad we made it here in time."

Yoriichi smiles and sits next you. "Are they here yet?" 

You glare at a woman trying to sit in the 'empty' spot next to you. "I don't hear Rengoku yelling about how good his food is yet, so I'm assuming not." You glance around. "People probably think I'm crazy right now. Talking to the air and all."

With miraculous timing you suddenly hear a shout from the next car over. "UMAI!"

"Speak of the devil." You peer out of the window onto the platform seeing exactly what you'd expected. 

A boar headed idiot trying to fight a god damned train.

You snickered to yourself and watched them slowly get Inosuke to calm down enough to board the train and make their way to Rengoku. 

You sighed and groaned, sitting back in your seat. "I'll wait till the train starts to go up and say hi. My feet hurt." 

A short while the train started moving and you got up and made your way to the next car. If you thought they sounded loud from the car you were previously in, it was absolutely deafening when you slid the door open. 

You winced and walked up behind Rengoku. "You know some people like to try and sleep on these trains."

Tanjiro and Zenitsu gaped up at you. "What? Surprised to see me?" You smiled and looked down at Rengoku. "And what about you? Are you surprised as well?"

"Surprised is an understatement! It's nice to see you again, wife." Rengoku's tone darkened as he said the last word. 'Wife' hanging in the air heavily, and Rengoku's smile changing into something more sensual. Although maybe teasing was a better word. Seeing as how both Uzui and Rengoku had decided that you would be the wife seeing as how they were too 'manly' for either of them to be the wife in your weird throuple. 

You prayed the heat you felt on your face wasn't visible. 

"Well I've decided to join you four on your mission. I hope you won't mind too much." They all smiled and Rengoku offered you the seat beside him. 

As Rengoku briefed the other three on the mission you let your senses wander the train, searching for signs Enmu might be aware of your presence. To your surprise it seemed as though he had not yet noticed you. You glanced around and noted the increasing amount of passengers falling asleep. It seems the fight would be starting soon.

You cleared your throat. "Do you know the level of the demon you'll be fighting?" Rengoku launched into his explanation of the disappearances and presumed deaths the demon had caused indicating that it could be a higher level demon. They had no idea what they were dealing with.

As their conversation went on you noticed the demon slayers sitting with you were getting more and more tired until eventually, one by one, they all fell asleep. Everyone in the train was asleep. Everyone except you. For some reason, Enmu's demon blood art didn't seem to affect you. You glanced up to Yoriichi who was standing next to you. He seemed to have noticed the same thing. 

"Why am I not being affected? Not that I'm really complaining but..I'm a bit concerned." You reached over and lightly shook Rengoku. "Yeah they're definitely not waking up either."

Yoriichi's eyes snapped toward the door leading to the next car over. "Someone's coming. Pretend to be asleep." 

You nodded and leaned against Rengoku, evening out your breath and you listened. The car door slid open and footsteps slowly approached you. You tried to keep your heart from beating to fast. If they tried to go into your dreams you weren't too sure you'd be able to escape. You weren't even sure it would work on you. And if it didn't, they'd know you were awake and Enmu would figure out who you were immediately. Which could mean Akaza might come sooner. 

Or even worse, Enmu might call to Muzan. Then not only would you not be able to protect Rengoku, but you could get everyone on this train killed.

"They tied ropes to their arms and now they're asleep. You can open your eyes now." You opened your eyes and saw Yoriichi leaning over you. 

Thankfully, the humans working for Enmu had disregarded you. At least the story hadn't been altered drastically enough for that to change. You got up and walked through all the cars towards the front of the train. Once you got to the car where the 'conductor' was you paused in front of the door. 

Pulling your katana out of your sleeve you glanced up at Yoriichi. "His heart is in there. If I go in there, do you think it'll distract him enough for his powers to weaken on everyone else?" 

"Possibly. But if you attack him he'll be distracted enough that he won't alert any of the Upper Moons or Muzan that you're here." He looked over to you. "That's your plan isn't it. Weaken him enough that Rengoku won't exhaust himself fighting Enmu and survive long enough against Akaza for the sun to rise."

You nodded. "Ideally Tanjiro and the other two won't be as injured and might be able to help Rengoku as well. Worst comes to worst I'll have to help as well and Akaza will know where I am."

"I don't like this plan Y/n. You could die." Yoriichi's face hardened. His eyes had a dangerous glint to them. Weirdly enough, he almost looked like...a demon.

"I'm not supposed to be here anyway. Maybe if I die I'll go back home." 

You stared at the door and steeled yourself. You took a deep breath opening the door, and walked into the lion's maw. 


Taishō Era Secrets


Yoriichi will never let you leave


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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