Dinner Parties and Marriage Proposals

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Manga Spoilers


Getting dressed, you mentally prepared for the embarrassment of dining with the hashira. After all, it is quite embarrassing to face people you had just cried in front of. Especially if you threatened to kill one of them.

"You look nervous." Yoriichi spoke, his eyes watching your tense form adjust your shirt.  

A short while ago, two of Kagaya's children had dropped off some clothes for you to wear while you stayed at the estate.

They had given you more modern styled clothes. You had chosen to wear one of the slightly more flashy outfits as you were told the dinner would be a formal event. You wore a slightly frilled white shirt with a black vest and bottoms. On the breast of the vest, sat a wisteria brooch with purple gems and you had a small clip in your hair to match. You didn't even want to think about how much the outfit cost. 

And with how heavy the brooch and hair clip was you guessed it was a lot.

"Of course I'm nervous. I'm getting ready to have dinner with people who were literally plotting my execution a couple hours ago." You sighed heavily. "If they don't like me I might as well just jump off a cliff."

"Please don't jump off a cliff. I couldn't bear to live without you my dear." Yoriichi paused. "well......not, live without you I suppose."

You snorted and stood, smoothing down your outfit, and walking over to the ghost. "I wasn't serious. At least not completely...besides, I could never leave you. Now, how do I look?"

If Yoriichi had any blood left in him you would've been able to see the prominent blush covering his face.

"You look absolutely stunning my dear."


You stood before the door, muffled talking and laughter coming from inside. Yoriichi was in your room that you had just left. 

Originally, you were supposed to be escorted by Kagaya, but as his daughters had told you moments ago, he was feeling unwell and therefore wouldn't be joining the dinner at all. 

"Deep breathe in, deep breathe out." You muttered to yourself and slid the door open. The lively chatter from the hashira stopped as they all turned toward you. Well, all except Sanemi who refused to look in your direction. 

"Y/n! Come, sit here next to me!" Mitsuri patted an empty cushion to her left between her and Uzui, Rengoku was on her right. 

You nodded and nervously sat between her. "Here here have some food! I'm sure you're starving!" Mitsuri quickly grabbed a plate and started piling food onto it. The food looked and smelled amazing but you didn't have the heart to tell her that there was no way you could finish eating the amount of food she had put on your plate.

Slowly, the hashira started chatting again while you ate your food. Mitsuri tried to include you in on conversations but your replies would get drowned out by everyone else talking. That was, until Sanemi decided to say something. 

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