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Japanese will be underlined

WARNING: Manga spoilers [nothing too major that'll spoil the outcome of the show]


"It's uh, nice to meet you. Thank you for new my house..?" That was definitely not correct but honestly who cares at this point. 

Douma stood up and and walked over to you, taking your hands into his. "It's nice to meet you! My what a pretty little thing you are." You only understood nice to meet you. He looked over at the group of girls behind you and said something then looked back to you as his grin widened.

The next thing you knew,  you were sitting at a very long, and wide table with what you guessed to be hundreds of people, all looking at Douma with admiration. He was sitting at the head of the table with you by his side. 

The table was covered in many different dishes, each one smelling amazing. You had to stop yourself from drooling all over the table. You had almost forgotten how hungry you were with how nervous you were about being near someone as dangerous as Douma. But hey, free food is free food, even if it's from a demon. 

Douma watched you with a curious look. You weren't a demon, that was for sure, but you couldn't be just a human. All humans smelled relatively the same, but you, you smelled different, off. Almost like something that wasn't supposed to be in this world. Whatever the case was, you caught his eye. He was definitely going to keep you around for a while. 

You abruptly stopped eating and turned to the 'man' beside you. He smiled at you and you awkwardly smiled back.

"Fuckin creepy ass demon, staring at me while I eat. Rude as hell." You muttered under your breath as you turned back to your unfinished bowl of udon. Douma, despite his better judgement, kept staring at you. What a fascinating creature you were.


You were lying on a spare futon in a small room. Apparently everyone else had to sleep in a communal space, but for some reason you got your own room. Not like it was anything fancy, just a small room with a futon in the middle, a little table with a comb and a hand held mirror, and there was a window above the futon that had been boarded up from the outside just like every other window in the estate. How nobody had guessed that Douma was a demon yet was beyond you.

You wanted to fall asleep. You really did, but you couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching you.

Maybe it was that creep Douma....you honestly wouldn't put it past him. It definitely wouldn't be the worst thing he's done.

Eventually, you sat up and looked around for any signs that someone was in the room with you. Nothing. Although it was kinda cold.

You shivered and pulled the blanket around you. "I swear to god if someone's watching me right now...I'll rock your shit don't test me." The air around you got colder and you were now very aware of the feeling of someone breathing on the back of your neck.

"I apologize if I frightened you my dear, I didn't think you would notice me. Even the demons have yet to notice my presence." The voice muttered in your ear. You turned your head to look and saw....Yoriichi? So you have to deal with demons AND ghosts now! Great.

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