when you don't give them attention

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- let's just say you were reading a book while he was telling you about takemichi and stuff
- 😄😃🙂😶😐😑 literally his face emotion when he realised you weren't listening to his story
- "y/n-chin? y/n-chinnnn????"
- literally pouting
- he'll just straight up take the book
- "give ur attention to me,y/n-chin." he says on a cold tone
- then yall cuddled


- he'll try to be patient
- he'll just stare at u waiting for u to turn ur attention to him
- but one hour was enough
- he walked up to you and started giving kisses to your face
- you'll be blushing ofc who wouldn't be
- "ch-chifuyu?"
- he'll just smirk and innocently say "you weren't giving your attention to me." then pouts
- not in a sexual way though,this babey a softy
- you'll just smile and hug him tightly, "sorry." you mutter


- this bitch is straightforward
- he'll just go and take the book and throw it
- you'll be mad ofc
- then he would scold u for not giving ur attention to him
- y'all kinda get in a little fight
- but it weren't srs tho
- in the end he ended up kissing you so u can stfu
- then ofc u cuddled


- this baby is like so patient
- but like chifuyu he won't stay patient for too long
- he'll kindly tap ur shoulder before saying
- "y/n,is that book so important that you can't give your attention to me? I'm sorry but, I'd like to have cuddles with you." he smiles
- you be blushing 😔💕😭😈
- ofc u would agree uwuwuwuwu

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