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Hi! Just started vacation! This is inspired by modern family, enjoy!


Sally sighed at the sound of crying, Percy and Annabeth had recently had their first kids, the twins, Sophia and Caspian, and they were staying over for a while, trying to adapt to parenthood.
"Mommy, make it stop." Three-year-old Estelle Blofis complained, groaning.
"I'll go." Paul volunteered, getting up from the chair.

"Hey kids, is everything okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, we- we're fine, the babies are awake but oh well, it's not like we sleep anyways." Annabeth fake-laughed, her eyes almost closing as she bounced the small baby in her arms.
Paul frowned. "Are you sure?" He asked, then noticing the way Percy had frozen in the middle of the kitchen. "Percy? You okay buddy?"
Percy's head dropped, only to lift up startled after half a second. "Hm? Me? I'm fine! There's food in the fridge, if you want to go to work."
Sally walked in the room. "Honey... Are you sure you're okay?"
He nodded. "I think it's may 17th?"
Annabeth shook her head, looking confused. "I thought it was august."
Paul and Sally shared a look. "It's april 22nd."
"We need to get them to sleep." The english teacher commented, whispering, to his wife.
She nodded. "Yeah but... how? I mean- Percy used to fall asleep watching tv, but there's no way either of them is sitting down and watching tv now."
Paul bit his lip before remembering something. "I think I know what to do." He stopped whispering. "Hey Percy and Annabeth, we need to buy more food and diapers, leave the kids with Sally and let's go."

After a lot of protests and complaints, the trio was in the car.
Percy's knee moved up and down impatiently. "Paul, the grocery store is that way."
Paul nodded. "Oh, yeah, but there's a lot of traffic there so we'll take this way."
Annabeth frowned. "Are you sure?"
The older man waved her off. "Yeah, of course. Why don't we talk about what we will do tomorrow?"
"I don't-"
"Come on, it'll be fun, I'll start. So tomorrow, I'll wake up, make some pancakes, eat, take Estelle to school, go to work, teach, come back home with Stella, correct essays, take a shower-"
He was interrupted by Percy's snoring, his head was on top of Annabeth's and his hands hung limp on his lap.
"Score!" Paul cheered quietly.

"Okay, I did it! They're asleep."
"What?!" Sally sounded shocked but, Paul noted happily, the babies were asleep. "How?"
"Oh, there was this thing I used to do to make Percy fall asleep after Tartarus. I would tell him what I would do the next day while we drove to school, he'd be out like a light in minutes, meaning he was slightly rested for school."
His wife kissed him.

Percy woke up to his own snoring, startling himself awake and wiping the drool off his cheek. "Annabeth- Wise Girl." He shook her awake. "Let's go- the kids."
She blinked slowly, trying to make sense of his words. "Oh- oh." She mumbled. "Oh! Right! The kids!"
Once they got inside the house, they found Paul, Sally, Estelle and the twins asleep in the living room. The adults slept in the couch, Estelle slept in her nephew and niece's playpen and the twins slept in their cots.
"Maybe we should sleep a little." Annabeth suggested, she felt bad for 'making Sally help', but she didn't ask for help, she was just... crumbling.
"Yeah... Maybe we should."

That was 625 words, I'll probably do more modern family inspired one shots because I'm rewatching it and I'm obsessed lol, so... I hope you liked it, have a good day/night!

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