Dead Man Walking Part 2

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Prompt: Where Percy wrote letters before the Battle of Manhattan and asked Paul to deliver them in case he died, after his disappearance in The Lost Hero, Paul decides to distribute the letters seeking to help everyone.

Third person POV

Correct me if there are any mistakes, this was translated from my portuguese one shot book


"Hi Nico,
What's up?
I know you hate me, you have every right to hate me, but there's a lot I need to tell you yet and I don't think I'm going to get to do it."
Nico swallowed dryly, how could Percy carry so much on his own? Everyone had Percy as a savior, as a helper, as family. Who was Percy's Percy?
"I'm sorry for your sister, I'm sorry for the way I let her die, I'm sorry for not keeping my promise, for not taking you in, for not helping and caring for you like I should have."
Nico bit his lower lip. "Percy...why do you blame yourself for everything?" He sighed when he realized Percy would not answer this time, Percy was far away, with no memory of the boy at all.
"I promise to try to protect you until the end, I don't think you'll let me, but I'd like to not carry that guilt with me in my coffin... if they find my body haha"
Nico blinked in shock. "Haha? What's Haha about that you idiot? It's not funny Perseus!"
I'll always look out for you Neeks, even from afar,
Your favorite cousin,


"Hi Chiron,
How are you?
I'm sure you burned my shroud just right, you knew you were going to have to do that from Yancy."
Chiron felt a little stunned by the boy's speech, his children deserved better.
"Well, I won't worry about that.
I wanted to thank you, for being my mentor, for teaching me and believing in me, even though you sent me around with such little money in my pocket."
Chiron laughed, he knew it didn't really bother the boy, he just missed him...
"I wanted to make you a great request you know?
Take care of Annabeth.
You're her father figure, she looks up to you a lot.
I need you to not let her get lost between plans and battle strategies, I need you to take care of her well enough that I won't see her again for another fifty years.
I need her to grow up, you know? To do everything that I won't be able to.
I do it all for her."
The black color of the pen Percy used to write swirled across the paper as a tear hit the letter. "I know, we all know you do all this for her."
"Take care Chiron, we are nothing without you.
Honestly, your most complicated student,
Chiron sighed. "That's not goodbye, Perseus, not yet."


"Hi Beckendorf,
How are things going?
I wanted to make it clear that I am going quietly, knowing that you will do what I could not, you are a hero man.
I want you to do everything that no demigod can before.
Marry Silena, everybody knows you like her!
Go to college, have kids, buy a nice house (build one or whatever), get a job, it doesn't have to be in that order.
I just want you to enjoy it,
See you later buddy,
From your apprentice friend,

Athena & Doctor Chase

Athena never cared, she didn't read the letter, she threw it away without even a second thought. What would he have to say that she didn't already know?
Frederick read it quickly, only a few parts, he didn't even understand the criticism.

"Athena and Doctor Chase,
I won't bother with introductions because I'm not here to talk about myself, I'm here to talk about your daughter, Annabeth.
I want you to know that I will die hating you, for everything you have done to her.
Let me tell you a secret, your daughter is the most extraordinary person in the world, she is beautiful, intelligent, funny, smart, and fights like no one else.
She spends every second of her days desperately trying to be perfect in order to please you.
Annabeth ran away from home at the age of seven because she didn't have a family, not a real one, there she had no love, care, affection.
And she deserves this, she deserves this and much more.
Unfortunately I won't be able to give her that, but someone will do it for me.
I hope you rot in hell,
Without kisses or affection,
Perseus Jackson."

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