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*Next morning*

Tae woke up looking as ethereal as always and the sunlight made him look even more attractive and charming. He directed his steps towards the university once he completed his morning routine and had a quick cereal breakfast with his mother in hastening. Once he reached the university premises he met with a bone-crashing hug making him stumble back and return the hug to maintain his balance.

Tae:" Chimmy can you not do this every time it annoys me sometimes and where is Yoongi hyung?"

Jimin:" he said he wants to skip school today as he wants to sleep more..."

Tae:" as always, by the way, you know what, I-..."

Before he could continue he felt someone decant something cold on him. He flinched at the coldness of the liquid and didn't turn as he knew who did it. Tae looked down as he knew some harsh comments might be thrown on him but even before he could register what happened Jimin dragged him into the school's locker room.

Jimin:" why didn't you tell me Tae that bastard is still bullying you, Huh?! I'll teach him a good lesson..." he said going towards Tae's bully with a fit of pique clearly visible in his eyes.

Tae:" look you don't have to do anything to him on my behalf I told you I'll talk to him and calmly ask him the reason he bullies me...."he held Jimin's forearm preventing him to dart punches over his bully.  

Jimin:" you have taken enough time asking him now I have to use my ways to make him understand that he shouldn't have messed up with my soul mate!"

Tae:" you can do that later, let's go to our classes or we will be late." he said as he pushed Jimin towards the university hallway as they both went to their classes. (Jimin and tae don't have any classes together today).


Once Tae entered the classroom after he had already changed into new and fresh but a bit short and revealing clothes. Soon he felt many hungry and jealous eyes staring at him. He shrugged it off as he slumped down on the last bench near the window not wanting to get into trouble anymore. He stared plainly at the mesmerizing scenery until he felt someone sit beside him, close, too close. He looked beside him just to find his bully checking him out with lustful eyes while licking his lips.

???:" I never knew you had such a sexy and feminine body, but you know it's never late."

Tae:"y-you b-better n-not t-try anything n-now o-or else-..."

???:" or what will you do, Huh?! You better not tryna threaten me or the consequences would be poor!!" he exclaimed glaring at Tae with lust and fury.

Stepbrothers  Taekook FFWhere stories live. Discover now