I miss you momma!

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*With Namjin*

As soon as Namjin set back home;

Joon:"jinnie you should not have spoken what if kook would know about dads marriage-"

Jin:" I know...I know."

Joon:" look we don't want to hurt kook, do we?"

Jin:" never, you know right he is my baby. I'll protect him at any cost, I can't see him hurt..." he spoke on the verge of crying.

Joon:" don't worry I'm sure you won't make the same mistake again. Come let's sleep, we are tired, aren't we?"He hugs Jin and caresses his back softly comforting him.

Jin:" but why did kook come to the office, I mean he doesn't visit often even if it's too crucial he waits for dad to get home, what could the reason be?"

Joon:" we can ask him in the morning. Come for now." he pulls Jin towards himself on the bed and they both share cuddles and fall asleep.

*Next morning*

Namjin wake up at 10:30 am as it was Sunday today, a holiday.Jin rushed out to the kitchen to prepare breakfast, no, Jin didn't prepare breakfast every day.

Sundays were the days maids were on leave so Jin cooked on Sundays. As they advanced downstairs they caught a glimpse of Jungkook outspread at the dining munching on some hot Cheetos and a glass of banana milkshake.  The Instant Jin saw this he snatched the bag of chips from Jk as he looked up and wailed ;

Jk:" why...give it back!" he said attempting to clutch on the Cheetos back from Jin's grip.

Jin:" you don't have to eat this junk I'm up already I'll cook some healthy breakfast you eat this junk almost all the week at least eat something homemade and healthy today!"*jin scolded rather in a raised voice knowing the younger ditched the food chart he made for Jk as he clearly spotted him eating hamburgers and pizzas in his room while playing overwatch.

Jk:" ok...whatever, but Hyung dad hasn't returned yet what's wrong?"

Jin:"t-that h-he...d-dad-"

Joon:"d-dad ended up staying at Mr.Han's place. He wished dad to stay just for once so dad did.Don't worry he'll be back anytime soon."Joon said as he sat beside Jk and Jin ran towards the kitchen to cook breakfast before Mr.jeon arrives.

Joon:" by the way, what is it you want to talk to dad 'bout?"

Jk pov

Should I tell Joon Hyung 'bout Taehyung blabbering that shit, and I also have recorded it? He said his mother works at Dad's Company and hyungs do too. They can let me know much about her and also if this is right or not. If this turns out to be wrong I won't leave that nerd. Yes, let me ask if they have some significant info. about this matter.

Jk:"hyungs before anything just hear this for once..." he said and played the conservation b/w him and Tae that he recorded as the caller was unknown and just for safety purposes he decided to record the call, as it might be useful later on.

Author pov

Once Namjin heard the recording they both were dumb struck. They had no words to explain or exaggerate, also they were told not to tell the truth. Joon decided to tell Jk that it was a lie.

Joon:" i-it clearly is a lie. Don't fall in these t-traps kook. Forget it..."

Jk:" I knew it Hyung, I'll teach him a good lesson just let me meet him I'll break him into pieces-"

Before Jk could complete his sentence Jin spoke;

Jin:" it is the truth..."

Silence. Only silence was heard until Jk asked;

Jk:"w-what you mean dad-another woman-marriage-"

Joon:" kook look-"

Jin told Joon that Jk might act vulgarly towards Tae which is why he told Jk the truth and some or the other time he has to be told 'bout it so why not now.

Jk stomped out of the mansion biting his lips holding back the warm tears brimming around the corner of his eyes ready to fall. Namjin cried out for him but couldn't stop him they both knew Jk was strong and staunch and wouldn't try to wound himself and that he needed self-time so they let him go.

Jk perched on the side of a bench in the park he landed in after running as he let the tears fall one by one. He closed his eyes a bitter smile made its way on his lips remembering his childhood.

*Flashback-kook/8 yrs old*

The mother and son were playing hide and seek as the mother blindfolded her son. She counted till 10 and hid far away somewhere her son wouldn't find her. The moment she uttered 10, her son removed the blindfold, first getting used to the bright sunshine that shone right in his eyes then looking around for his mother;

Kook:"mommaaaa!!" he shouted looking around for his mother as she hummed lowly, kook not able to recognize the place she was hidden at.

He started searching everywhere, rummaging through bushes, circling trees &looking under and behind the benches still not being able to spot his mother. He now was getting nervous as his mother stopped humming along with his screams of her name, his patience running low. He called her one last time as he broke down into tears, unknown of the presence behind him soon he felt two soft and beautiful arms wrapping around him shushing him.

Kook:" momma? Where were you, Koo was scared..." he said b/w his sniffles rubbing away the fresh tears with his little palms trying to act angry but looking as cute as ever.

Jungsoo:" Koo, bunny, momma is sorry; look here she is..." she said holding her ears in an apologetic manner then pointing kook's finger towards herself.

Kook:" Koo is angry, don't talk to Koo. Go away, shoo!" he said shooing his mother away.

Jungsoo:" ok Koo here I promise you from now on I will always stay with you, I'll never go away from my Koo, okay, I promise," he said as she hugged kook tightly.

Kook:" Okays...and I also promise I'll always protect you and dad from everything! I'm strong, muscle bunny! Hehe..." he said showing his tiny little arms as his biceps and cute little tummy as his abs.

Jungsoo:" yes my Koo, my bunny, my baby, my strong muscle bunny; let's go home now we played enough dad will be home now for lunch, come let's go." she said holding his hand firmly into her's returning back home from the park they just played in, that was nearby their house.

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