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downtown brooklyn
kasani amiri santana

kasani was laying in bed when he woke up to a ringing phone. "what amara?" he speaks into the phone.

"watch ya tone when you speaking to me," she spoke back making kasani roll his eyes. "you got one hour to get ready and make your way to me. my appointments start at 11."

"alright mara, get off my phone with that." kasani groaned.

"you shouldn't have offered, now go get ready." amara spoke before hanging up.

today is amara's 20th birthday. being the best big brother, kasani offered to take her around and pay for her appointments today. he only offered because he had no other choice, he had to distract her while the rest of their family got her surprise party together.

an hour later, kasani and amara are pulling up to their first stop. they pull into the parking lot of amara's favorite nail and hair salon. kasani parks and amara goes in.

after almost two hours of boredom, kasani ends up watching instagram stories. he ends up on amara's and sees that she posted a tiktok with her stylist. he could tell it was old because it was from the last hairstyle amara had, plus it was captioned with "new video with my fav coming later" with a flame emoji. kasani noticed how gorgeous amara's stylist is. he decided that he wanted to be seen so he walked into the salon to see her progress, they were currently on her nails. as he was greeted by the receptionist, he let her know who he was with and pointed to his younger sister.

"wassup favorite brother," amara greeted him making the tech look up at the handsome man standing next to her client. he responded, "i'm only your favorite because i'm paying for ya shit." making the tech giggle.

"endy, don't laugh at that cornball. you been my fav, let's not."

'ask yo tech if she got space for a manicure after you' kasani texts to amara.

"you ask her, she right in yo face" amara says out loud making kasani groan playfully as he sat in the chair next to her. endya doesn't say anything but in her head she is curious to know what they are talking about.

"do you think you could squeeze me in for a manicure after her? if not it's cool" kasani asks. "yeah i can , she got me working on my off day so she's my only client today" endya responds making kasani nod.

"mara go wash your hands so we can get these jewels on" endya sends her off and turns to kasani. "once i finish her nails, imma start on her hair. when i put her under the dryer, i can start on your mani."

"cool, 'preciate you love." he responded staring in her eyes giving endya butterflies making her look away. amara looked over at him with a smirk on her face, making him shake his head. kasani was so slick when flirting. for someone who didn't want another relationship, he surely was checking for endya.

endya continues on amara's nails and puts her hands under the lamp. she finishes it off with cuticle oil and takes some pictures and videos. they walk over to endya's hair station and begin to install amara's wig after endya cleaned her hands. endya puts a band on and sats amara under the dryer.

"sit in that chair" she instructs kasani and points to the client chair at her nail table. she starts on his mani . "why you taking clients on your day off?" kasani questioned.

"i had nothing else to do today and it's her birthday."

"you better than me , i be telling niggas they shouldve booked when i had openings." kasani responded making endya laugh

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