BAMBAM: playing music together

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Tomorrow was the most important day for a girl like me. It was the battle of the bands. And only two bands were left to compete. Mine, and the one and only Bambam. With his sparkly eyes and the way he played guitar and drums...every girl fell for him. His band? GOT7. Everyone told us that we would stand a chance against 7 hot boys like them.
But i think we do.

Me. I'm just (Y/N). My band? We're just best friends that have the passion for music since we were kids. And we were confident. We could win this!

"Ok guys! One more time" i told my friends.

We were practicing for tomorrow. We have to win this.
After a few times practicing the song again and again we decided to stop for tonight.

"It was perfect guys! Let's just do our best tomorrow and have fun" i winked at them as they all left.

I took my guitar and went home.
As i was heading home, i bumped into i mysterious figure.

"Oh excuse me, i wasn't looking" i apologized.

"Hey" i familiar voice said.
I look up seeing Bambam smiling at me.

"Oh it's you" i said annoyed.

"Hey,what's with the attitude. I didn't do anything wrong" he pouted.

"Nothing wrong? You're right. You are just being your perfect-self that's all."

"You're mad cause you think i'm a bad guy?" He ask.

"I'm not mad. It's just that you get all you want so,fame,girls and most importantly the trophy of battle of the bands" you said seriously as you knew what was going to happen tomorrow.

"What makes you think we'll win?"

"Arg...just forget it..i'm going home"

I left Bambam and got home.
I knew we were good but even if we were. Everybody would vote for them...they're the popular ones...we're just the normal people.

-----the day of the battle----

I was going to meet the band when _____ ran my way.

"(Y/N)!!! We have no drummer!!"
______ said screaming.

"What???!" I said surprised.

"_____ couldn't come!! She got sick!!! What are we gonna do!!" She screamed.

I was trying to calm _____ when i saw Bambam staring at me.

"We'll have to play without her" i said depressed. It was toast. We couldn't win now....

"But we really need a dru---"

"No. We'll play" i said looking at her. She nodded and we got near the stage.

GOT7 was finish playing and it was our turn. We went on stage and i took my guitar. I looked around and saw others whispering "aren't there someone missing?" "Did the other one quit?" "No drummer, no beat" "they won't be able to win like this".

I looked down, and was about to start when suddenly someone went on stage.
I looked behind me seeing Bambam with drumsticks.

"Need help?" He smiled.

I nodded and smiled.
We started playing and Bambam was rocking at the drums. The music was blasting! It was the most awesome experience! I did my solo, playing my guitar like i was never going to play again! It was almost over, a few beat left then stop...we were finish. I didn't want to look at the faces in the public so i just closed my eyes.

Suddenly i heard clapping, people screaming our name.
I opened my eyes seeing all those people we touched with our talents.
We got of the stage and i immediately went near Bambam.

"Thanks for helping" i smiled softly.

"No worried, i just wanted to tell you that i'm not a bad guy." He smiled

"OK! Ladies and gentleman, the jury is discussing. I now have the results! The winner of this year's BATTLE OF THE BANDS is ......(Y/N)'s band!!! Give them a round of applause!" The MC said.

I looked at Bambam, as tears escape from my eyes.

I went on stage and toom the trophy.
I looked at my girls who were as happy as i was.

-----after the battle----

I was walking home when i saw Bambam on a bench.

"Hey"I said sitting next to him

"Hey" he smiled

"Thanks again, if you weren't here...i wouldn't have this trophy in my hand" i smiled

"Your welcome" he giggled

"Well, i think i'm gonna go" i said standing.

"Wait, one more thing" Bambam took me hand.

suddenly Bambam's lips were on mine. Kissing me gently but still there was passion.

"Bambam what is this for?" I ask between the kiss

"At least i won something today" he smiled looking directly at me.


"You pabo" he winked.

"Ohhh..." i blushed.

"How about we play music together now?" He suggest.

"Jinjja?? But our bands?"

"We'll still play with them but i mean let's make a duet" he smiled.

"Arasso, by the way are we..? You know"

"Together? Of course" he said puting his arm on my shoulder and winking at me.

"Oh..." I said looking down as my cheeks turned red.

Bambam leaned closer, our faces were so close that i could feel his breath on my neck.

"What? you don't want me?" He whispered in my ear seductively.


~~~~~battle of the bands!! Nice! This was a request from chandaraforever!!! Hope you like it cutie!! I don't really know if this is what you wanted...but i still hope you liked it^^Thanks guys for reading, means a lot^3^ ~~~~

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