JB: the right moment

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I was walking out of school, i had just finish since my teacher didn't come.

"(Y/N)!!" I heard behind me.

I turned around seeing JB my ultimate crush, every time i see him my face goes red! I can't control it.
I started walking faster not looking behind even though JB was calling me non stop.

"(Y/N)!!" I keep screaming.

"Aishhh..." I said shutting my eyes running, but that wasn't the best decision cause i ran into a poll.
I fell down rubbing my forehead.

"(Y/N)? You ok?" He looked at me.

"Aishhh...how embarrassing..." I whispered.

"No it's just cute" he giggled helping me up.

Aishh...he heard what i said, i felt my cheeks burning and burning every time he said a word.

"Want me to walk you home?" He smiled looking at me with those pretty eyes. How could i say no.

"Ne" i said shyly.

We started walking, at first it was really awkward since i'm an idiot that just can't talk to boys especially to this boy.

"(Y/N)?" I said looking at the road.

"Ne?" I looked at him but he kept staring in front of him.

"Have you ever been in love??" He looked at me. And that was it, my brain exploded.

"Umm...why?" I ask looking down.

"Nothing, just a question" he smiled.

I had a tiny chance, i thought he liked me... Probably not...

"And you JB? Have you ever been in love?" I ask him nervously.

He stopped staring at the road and looked at me. He smiled then nodded.

"Oh...do i know her?" I ask a bit disappointed.

"You know her very well" he giggled.


We arrived in front of my house, and JB looked at it. Suddenly it started raining...what the heck...it was sunny a few minutes ago...
JB can't go home like this...

"Want to stay until it stops?" You opened the door.


"Ne, you'll get sick if you go home under the rain" i gestured him to go in.
And he did.

"You have a nice house" he smiled.


I went in the kitchen to see what we could eat since i'm always hungry after school. Something was weird...i didn't JB...suddenly a pair of arms was wrapped around my waist.

"yaa--JB-- what are you doing-"

"I know you like it" he smiled.


"But i like you" he said giggling.

JB likes me??

"I know i should have told you earlier but i didn't know when. And this was the perfect opportunity. So (Y/N) would you be my girlfriend?" He smiled at me.

"Ne" i giggled.

Suddenly JB crashes his lips on mine, it was just perfect.

"I've been craving your lips for so long" he smiled between the kiss.
JB backed off and smiled.

"Just go on the couch, i'll come after i finish preparing us some food" i smiled.

"Fine jagiya" he said suddenly he took off his t-shirt.

My eyes widened as i turned around.

"Ya pabo! Put that back on"

"Aniyo, it's wet. I'm just gonna let it dry off" he giggled.

"Aishhh..." I said holding my cheeks.


Heyyy my lovely chingusss!!! Missed you guys!! Ooh! I'm really sorry for the slow update!! I'll try to update faster^^' hope you guys liked this one!!! And don't hesitate to like, comment and request!! Love you guys!! Have a nice weekend <3<3 god bless^^

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