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"Okay Callie. Are you ready?" Coach Aria asks.
My team heads into the big room for Rise Dance Company.
I'm wearing my pink leotard with my black shorts.
"The order is floor, beam, bars, vault, and lastly, the free style dance off." Coach Aria explains.
The team heads to floor. My best friend Sarah heads out to the floor. She nails her routine. She gets a 9.2.
I head out. I nail it. I get a 9.9.
We head to beam. I go first. I get a 8.6.
In all my other I get a 9.8, 9.6.
We head to freestyle dance off. A member from a team is selected to pair with a different member of a different team.
"Callie Endermen and Amanda Stevens please come to the floor."
I've faced Amanda before. She's good, but I've beat her the majority of the time.
The give us the okay to go. Amanda starts as usual. She tucks backwards and sticks the landing. I walk to the middle and front handspring and front flip. The crowd goes crazy, getting Amanda hot under the collar. She runs and aerials twice and back flips. I run front layout, corkscrew, and two back flips. We go together from then on. We're flipping and tumbling all over. The judges tell us to stop.
"Callie Endermen."
I won it. I'll go on and whoever gets left standing wins the big trophy for freestyle.
"Callie Enderman, and Ashley Warns please come to battle for champ."
We walk up and shake hands.
I take the first move, start off strong. The last move, I front flip, layout, aerial, and back tuck.
"Your champ is..... Callie Endermen!"
My team comes by me and pats my back and shoulders as I walk up to get the big trophy.
"Please would all gymnasts come to the floor."
We all sit on the floor. The girls go first. The boys are after.
"For level 7. Your second place goes to... Sarah Silverman."
We cheer for her.
"Your first place goes to.... Callie Endermen!"
Sarah hugs me when I get up to her.
We head to the bleachers. The boys go. And I notice a guy on our team. I've never seen him before. He looks at me. And he just keeps staring. I look down. He looks away. He's cuts and a good gymnast. But, I don't know him. Not even his name. So how can I like him. And I need to focus on gymnastics.

Life in A Dance RoutineWhere stories live. Discover now