6: Kennedy

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I get to work 10 minutes early, so I head to the back to read until my shift starts. Caitlyn is sitting on the couch in the break room, watching tiktoks, when I open the door.

"Hey Caitlyn! When did your shift start?" I ask her, trying not to come off too enthusiastic, because me being nice in the past has seemed to like scare her or something... Weird.

Without glancing up, she mutters "It hasn't." I stare at her, wondering what I ever did wrong to make her hate me. Maybe I didn't put in enough effort so she thinks I don't want to be friends? Or that I don't like her?

"Oh, I didn't realize we had the same shift today." I respond, not knowing how to keep the conversation going. This is why I've always had a hard time making friends. I don't really know what people talk about. That sounds stupid, but it's true. I've always felt so awkward asking about someone's family or job or how schools going and I don't really know what appropriate small talk topics are. It could be blamed on the fact that I avoid it at all costs or anxiety, but I think it's just how I am. That's why I always end up rambling so much about nothing. It's okay though, because I think I'm growing on Coco...

"I'm not working today, just waiting for Alison to get off." Caitlyn finally glances up, giving me a 'this is awkward and I'm over it' smile. I know all about those smiles, they're the ones people give me when I start talking too much or when I make things awkward by trying to make small talk but actually asking questions that are apparently too personal for a stranger to be asking. I wouldn't care if a stranger asked me what my weirdest dream ever was.

"That's fun! What are you guys up to?" That was good, right?

"Lunch." Maybe not so good.

"Well have fun!" I give her my biggest smile and start getting ready for my shift.


After a 6 hour shift, I'm home laying in bed, just about to fall asleep, when there's a knock on my door. I grab my phone to check the time. Almost 1am. Who the hell is knocking on my door at 1am?

Maybe it's Mary, my elderly downstairs neighbour. Except she goes to bed at 7 and sleeps like a log. Is that the saying? Or is it sleeps like a dog? Dogs do sleep a lot...

Just last week I watched a documentary about this girl who had a stalker and how he used to come to her house every night and watch her sleep. What if I have a stocker?

What if it's a murderer?

Don't be stupid, it's not a murderer. They wouldn't knock. Unless...

I throw off my covers and try to get out of bed as quietly as possible, just in case it is a murderer. Except my foot gets caught on my duvet and I take a tiny little tumble, but it wasn't that loud so project stealth is still in progress. In the living room, Coco is sitting in the arm chair, glaring at the door. Good guard cat.

I'm just about to look through the peep hole when my phone starts ringing, giving me a heart attack I probably won't recover from. I pick it up without looking at it, just incase my stalker can hear it vibrating.

"Hello?" I whisper.

"Ken, I'm bored do you want to play trivia with me?" My sisters voice says through the phone. "Also you haven't called me in two days. I feel neglected." I can hear her pout through the phone.

"Are you at my door right now?" I whisper, all of a sudden actually scared of what might be on the other side of my door. It could literally be a murderer.

"Um? No? I'm at home. Why? What's going on?" My sisters voice sounds a little panicked and I instantly feel bad about making her worry.

"Nothing, I just thought I heard someone outside." I try to keep my voice normal. "I was just about to go to bed, we can play some trivia for like half an hour though. And I'm sorry I haven't been calling you, but you know I do have a life, believe it or not." I laugh quietly at my own joke. "I just have to check on Coco, I'll FaceTime you in a couple minutes."

"Okay, love you."

"Love you too."

I hang up and turn to the door. Are they still there? I walk up to it and take a deep breath before looking through the peep hole. No ones there.

What the fuck?

Did I imagine it? Was I dreaming and woke up thinking it was real? Maybe it was a ding dong ditcher. There are a few kids in the building... Or maybe I'm stupid and they were knocking on my neighbours door.

I open the door and peek my head out, looking to my right. When I look left, I see a women at the end of the hall. Was she the one who knocked? I don't recognize her, but maybe she knows me somehow? Just as I open my mouth to say something, Coco hisses from the living room. I turn around and tell him to be quiet, in which he responds with another hiss. When I look back at the women, she's gone.

Sorry it's such a short chapter, wasn't sure where I was going with it.

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