29: Kennedy

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I think it's possible that I might have a little bit of a crush on Greyson. Maybe.

This morning I got up really early to take a super secret shower because I was too scared to ask him if I was allowed to but then I thought he'd obviously let me because he's letting me stay here. I still took it at like 6am because I didn't want him to know I showered in his house... my logic isn't the soundest.

Of course all that effort was for nothing when I heard his door open and his footsteps moving down the hall ten minutes after my showered. I tried to convince myself to just stay in my room and work on my relationship with Coco, but I still rush out of my room, hoping to catch a glimpse of him before he left.

Just a small crush.

Then, when I say him standing in the kitchen, drinking a glass of water—shirtless—I tripped over my own feet and blubbered like an idiot for five minutes until I noticed my Nespresso plugged in on the counter.

I stare at it for a second before looking back at Greyson.

"Did you plug that in?"

"Yeah, you mentioned you have coffee every morning or your turn into a raging bitch."

I gasp a little and glare at him. "I said I need my morning coffee or I get grumpy."

"Same thing."


"Raging bitch."

I hide my smile by turning my back to him and making my coffee.

Just a little crush.

"I'm going for a run. There's food in the fridge."

"You're going for a run dressed like that?" He's half naked for crying out loud and it's November!

He raises an eyebrow and I realize I maybe shouldn't have said that...

"I was planning on putting a shirt of some sort on. But," he glances at the window and told his head to the side a little, "it does look pretty mild out today."

The idea of him running around downtown with his pretty arms and even prettier chest has my stomach knotting.

"Oh, okay."

He walks by me and I think he might really leave shirtless, but he keeps walking, all the way down the hall, and comes back wearing a long sleeve thermal and joggers. I don't think I do a great job of hiding my relief if his stupid little smile is to be the judge.

Just a tiny crush.


I tried my best to push my feelings for Greyson deep deep down for the next two days.

He dropped me off at my car shortly after he got back from his run and I avoided him pretty good for the rest of the day, until he texted me asking if I wanted chipotle... and I couldn't say no to that.

Yesterday I had two classes and I tried to write something for my book, but failed pretty epically when I convinced myself someone was watching me—even though Greyson's apartment is so high that no buildings beside it are as tall—and that there was a serial killer in the apartment.

Greyson had a couple classes as well and went to the gym around dinner, so by the time he got back, I locked myself in my room and pretended to be asleep.

So this morning, when the first knock came on my door, I thought I could ignore it and he would go away, thinking I was asleep, but he knocked again and I knew he would keep doing it until I answered.

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