11: Kennedy

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Hiiiii! Thank you guys so so much for almost 10 thousand reads I can't believe it. It literally means the world to me and I hope you've all enjoyed it so far :))

I love Sam. We book shopped for 3 hours and all the things I learned about her just solidified my previous thoughts that we're gonna be best friends. She's literally me in a different font. We have the same sense of humour, like the same books, and have the exact same top 5 book boyfriends. Literally the exact same. Isn't that crazy?

We both got "Hooked" by Emily McIntire, as well as "Ricochet" by K&B Ritchie for me and "From Lukov With Love" for her. I told her she could borrow my copy, but she said that if it's as good as I say it is, she'll want her own copy so she can reread it when ever she wants. The idea that she might not like it stressed me out more than I'd like to admit—my first book suggestion can't be one she doesn't end up liking, it would be bad mojo.

Now we're headed to the mall where she hopes to find a good bullet journal because she really wants to start one for her books, which I strongly encouraged.
I need some new socks and want to find one of those big chunky wool scarfs. I got $25 in tips this morning so I'm riding on a high. Of course the scarf will probably be like $70 but... that means really only 45 of my own dollars are going to be used. We both thought of Aritzia when we thought about the scarfs, but she pointed out that we might be able to find somewhere cheaper to get one, so we're gonna go to a few other places first.

"I'm thinking maybe a leather journal, feels more dark academia vibes." Sam says, holding the mall door for an old lady.

"I agree. I also think you should probably get one with the like strip of leather you wrap around it. I've always thought it looks cool." A group of teenagers walk by us, making me feel extremely judged, but knowing I'm at least with someone gives me comfort because it's not like they can say I'm a lonely loser who will be eaten by her cats in her sleep. Except... Coco probably would eat me in my sleep... oh no.

Sam sucks in a breath, "You're so right. There's this girl on Tiktok who does like themed collages or something in her journal, and it's one of those. I want to be as cool as her."

Laughing, I steer her in the direction of Target, because it's probably her best bet for a cheapish journal. I also wouldn't mind getting a candle... and maybe a puzzle too.

I end up getting two candles, a puzzle, and a pair of earrings that were too cute not to get. And they were cheap, so it was a win-win. Sam got a candle, two fake plants and a really cute mug. The one thing she didn't get was a journal...

Everything she says makes me laugh and I'm basically bursting with happiness because it's been so long since I've had a good friends. In freshman year, after meeting Adam, I became friends with some of his, but I never really felt that welcome. I think they only tolerated me because I was with Adam, I just didn't realize at the time. Two girls in particular, Mackenzie and Ellie, were always doing mean shit. Like inviting me places and then purposely ditching me, giving me backhanded compliments thinking I wouldn't notice, and always talking about how Adam and I "didn't fit right." At least they were right about one thing.

In highschool, I had a friends group of 5 girls who I loved, but with everyone going to different states once we graduated, our friendships all fizzled. We still talk every once in a while about little things and when we'll all be home and stuff, but I haven't really been friends with any of them in years. I miss them, but I think I always knew we would drift apart. I mean I've only known Sam 3 days and I already feel more of a connection than I did with any of them.

"Okay so, where should we go first? I don't even know what kind of stores sell scarfs." A store directory would be helpful right about now. "We should go to like Saks or Nordstrom's. Oh! Macy's too. I love Macy's, especially at Christmas it's literally the best."

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