7: Kennedy

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The past week has been full of bad nights sleeps, early mornings, and weird things happening, which is why today is a Kennedy Day. A very highly important, and incredibly amazing day I have whenever I feel like it. And whenever I'm not broke.

First, I sleep in until whenever I wanted which ended up being 9 since I apparently hate myself. It doesn't help much, considering I didn't get to sleep until 4 last night after the whole knock-on-door-weird-lady thing, but it was still nice. Next I took a nice hot bath while I read and brainstormed ideas for a potential book, not that I'll ever write one, and ate a breakfast of eggs on avocado toast.

Now I'm on my way to Starbucks. I feel bad for not giving my business to Campus Café... but also the coffees not that good. Karma, please don't repay me by firing me, I really like my job. It also has to do with the fact that I don't want to walk, so if I'm taking my car I might as well go to Starbucks. Duh.

Just before I get to Starbucks, I see a Barnes and Noble and since I'm having a Kennedy Day... might as well stop in, right? One book won't break the bank.


6 books definitely will break the bank. Too late though.

I hop back in my car, put my books in the passenger seat, and pull out of my spot. The Starbucks line only has 2 cars in it so I think fate is clearly shining down on me today.

I order my Venti iced white mocha half sweet with oat milk, and because I'm feeling crazy, an extra shot of espresso. Only $9? A steal, honestly.

When I pull up to the window, there's a cute brunette working and I start blushing before he's even looks at me. Jeez Kennedy, where did you get your really good flirting skills from?

"Hi, there. How's your day going?" He asks, looking down at me.

"Really good, how about yours?" Does my voice sound weird? I hope not. What if he thinks I'm ugly? Or that my face is just naturally this red? I definitely should have put makeup on before I left the house. This is why I should just stay home and read on my kindle and make my own coffee.

"Not bad, it's been a pretty slow morning." He answers, seeming completely oblivious to my miniature freak out. I smile at him, unlocking my phone and opening the Starbucks app. I start all the offers they have, because duh, then open my card so he can scan it. I don't really know how to respond to him, and now I think it's been too long anyways. My people skills are improving by the minute in my humble opinion.

The barista turns around to grab my drink and I take the chance to look at myself in the rear view mirror. Oh goodie! My face is bright red and my acne is really adding some spice. I let out a soft laugh, shaking my head, because what did I expect? When the barista hands me my drink, I give him a big smile despite my steadily declining self esteem and pull out of the drive thru.

I plan on going for a little drive and 10 minutes later I'm pulling into the mall parking lot. Weird how that works...

My pay checks the last couple months have been pretty hefty because of my lighter school schedule, so I might as well treat myself to some retail therapy. What is the therapy for you might ask? Well, life of course.

When I get out of my car I make sure to grab my coat from the back seat because I'm pretty sure the conspiracy theory that they turn up the ac in malls to make you buy things is true. Actually that might be amusement parks... But still, I always get cold in the mall.

The first store I spot when I walk through the doors is Aritzia and I make a bee line for it. I'm in need of a new zip up hoodie and some nice dress pants because my dreams to be a Pinterest model rely on the.

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