9: Greyson

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So I'm not really sure how to write a guys POV... but hopefully it's okay and better than the other one I did lol

This morning I woke up to banging on my door. Addie and Charlie didn't even raise their heads from the bed as I got up. Of course, it was Sanders because who else has the self assured asshole thing down as good as him?

"Fuck u man it's 6:30." I rasp, opening the door wider for him to come in, making sure Addie doesn't run out like she always does. Leaning down I give her a kiss and point to her food bowl, letting her know I'll feed her in a minute.

"Awh is little Gracie Poo tired?" Sanders says, pouting and rubbing my shoulders. Considering he's 4 inches shorter than me and fifty pounds lighter he always manages to treat me like a child. "I'll make you some pancakes with blueberry smiley faces, how about that?" His baby voice is rubbing on my lay nerve.

"You touch my kitchen, I break your hand."

"Always so sensitive in the morning." Laughing, Sanders turns and walks into the living room, falling onto my couch. "Guess who I had the privilege of meeting last night."

I raise an eyebrow waiting for him to continue, but of course he wants to be an asshole and waits for me to ask. "Who?" I turn to get a glass of water from the kitchen only to stop when he answers.

"Kennedy." My head whips back around to him. The coffee girl? "She was in quite the predicament. But of course me being the amazing, perfect, hot, hero I am, saved her."

"The fuck?" Is all I manage to get out. What the hell is he talking about? Predicament?

"These assholes were harassing her on the sidewalk. Didn't even realize it was her until I got out to help. She's was all freaked out but she's fine now, got home safe and sound." He shoots me a smirk and I can't help my scowl.

"Got home safe and sound, huh?" Why do I even care? She's fine, safe and sound apparently.

"Don't get your panties in a twist, I had to give her my number to text me when she was home because she refused to get in the car with me so I could drive her."

"Are you really surprised? I mean come on man, have you looked in the mirror recently?" Smirking I call Charlie and grab both their leashes. "I gotta take them outside. Why are you here?"

"We gotta be at the gym for 8, thought I'd drop by beforehand, see my besties." While he pets and baby talks Addie and Charlie, I go to my room and pull on sweats and a hoodie, grab my phone and put on some socks.

"You staying here while I walk them?"

"Yeah, it's fucking cold outside, and it's raining." He says it like that's a bad thing.

Once I'm outside I let myself think about what he said. About some assholes harassing that girl. Kennedy. I'd bet my right arm she talked to them and made it worse. She should have just aimed for their balls and ran. She shouldn't fucking be walking home at 10 o'clock at night. If that had been my sister I would flip my shit on her.

We've only been walking for 5 minutes before Charlie starts getting tired. I've blame it on him missing a leg, but I've seen him run at the dog park for 30 minutes nonstop. He's just being a baby. I pull back on Addies leash to tell her we're turning around and head back to my apartment.


"Holy fuck. I'm done." Sanders rolls onto his back on the mat and closes his eyes. We've been sparring for a couple hours and we're both exhausted except I could go for another 2 hours. My fight with Krostov is in six weeks and according to coach, there's no time like the present to start training. After an hour of weight training and 30 minutes of cardio, Sanders was already barely hanging on, so I'm not surprised he's done.

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