22: Kennedy

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Running over to my living room and windows, I pull the curtains closed, and then do the same in my bedroom.

The feeling I got in the parking lot when Greyson dropped me off yesterday, like I was being watched, still hasn't gone away. I think I might be being paranoid since I've always had a fear of someone watching me, but I feel better in my apartment with my windows closed and all my lights on, so that's what I do.

I had an opening shift this morning, and after my first class, I have two and a half hours to kill before my next class and I want to get some studying and self care done.

Maybe some tea and yoga... or meditation and coffee. Do those contradict each other? Maybe.

I also want to try a new face mask I got that's supposed to be good for hydrating, which I sincerely need since all my acne treatments dry the shit out of my skin.

First order of business is making lunch, and I settle for a smoothie and a sandwich, not feeling like making anything more. While I eat, I walk around and put away some stuff from the past few days that I've left laying around.

I'm usually pretty clean... kind of.

When I finish eating, I fill up Coco's bowls and change his litter because I hate the smell, and take the old stuff to the garbage shoot.

As I step out of my apartment, I see a familiar women down the hall. Oh it's my lovely downstairs neighbour.

She's headed right for me and I wonder if she's about to yell at me again. Maybe she heard me sweeping. Oh the scandal that would be.

Deciding to kill her with kindness, I give her a big smile and say a quick hello. She responds with an unenthusiastic hi, and continues on her way. It isn't until I'm back in my apartment that it occurs to me that it's kind of weird she was up here. I mean who just walks around other floors in their apartment building?

Maybe she has a friend up here, though. Or maybe she really likes to walk but doesn't like the cold? I guess it's possible.

I push all thoughts of her from my mind because I'm supposed to be having self care which equals peace which equals not thinking about weirdos.

While my coffee brews, I lay out some flash cards and my laptop and grab my favourite pen and highlighter to write new ones. I light a couple candles, change my clothes, and finish my coffee before sitting down in the recliner.

Much better.

I missed an audit lecture last week and really should catch up on it before I have another tomorrow, but I pull out my english paper instead to read over it a couple times. I can never hand in an english assignment without going over it 10 times first.

When I'm done with that, I finally pull out my audit book and flip to the chapter that was covered last week. If there's one thing I know, it's that my prof basically just reads straight from the textbook.

My alarm goes off a while later, reminding me that I have to go to class and respond to my moms text.

See, those things go hand in hand because earlier, I was working and had a class so I couldn't respond—but if it responded when I got out of class, that would have given her hours to keep talking and I'd feel obligated to respond. This way, I'll be in another class for two hours by the time she respond again and I won't have to talk to her about my lack of a love life or how I really should see what Adams up to.

Yeah, thanks but no thanks.

Checking my texts I see there are now three from my mom and one from Sarah.

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