38: Kennedy

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I blink my eyes open and look around Greyson's room, a warm tingly feeling filling my chest. I don't remember getting home last night, but the vague memories of being carried tell me I must have fallen asleep in the car on the way home.

I roll over and look at the other side of the bed, hoping to see Greyson, but it's empty. I sigh, ignoring just how sad that makes me, and look around his room. Addie and Charlie are curled up by my feet and I can see Coco's tail peeking out from behind the chair by his dresser. A small smile tugs at my lips.

I'm sleeping in Greyson's bed, where he put me, and I think I'm his girlfriend. His girlfriend!

The smile turns into one of my crazy person ones as he calls it, and I curl up in a ball, pull the blankets up to my chin and think over the past few weeks. I still can't seem to wrap my head around what's happened. Just a few weeks ago I wasn't sure if Greyson was genuinely trying to be my friend or just wanted my forgiveness.

My heart squeezes a little when I think about going home for a couple days to tell Sarah everything that's happening. Except she wouldn't be there and Mark would be. My good mood dampens when I think of my mom. Is she okay? Is Mark still there? Is he hitting her? Of course I don't know the answer to any of those questions. I haven't seen her since that night and I haven't been able to bring myself to call her. I texted her a few times to check up on her but they've all went unanswered.

I've been talking to Sarah everyday and FaceTiming her as much as possible but it's not the same as having her only an hour and a half away. But she's been making friends really easily and is having fun so far and she says the school she's at is really nice so I'm happy for her. Plus I'll see her in a few weeks for Christmas and then it's only 5 months until she moves in with me.

Except will she move in with me? I'm technically living with Greyson, and he said I could stay as long as I wanted... but now that somethings happening between us maybe it's not smart to live together, maybe I should start looking for a place again. It seems like a big step to go from living with a friend out of necessity to living with your boyfriend from the moment you start dating.


My smile returns full force and all thoughts about my mom and Sarah and apartments are forgotten. I literally can't believe this is happening. I'm dating Greyson. I take a deep breath, smelling him on the sheets, and roll onto my back.

The way he stood up for me to Lexi and almost lost his fight just to make sure I was okay makes my smile grow. He really is sweet. Even if sometimes he's an ass.

Lexi's words register for the first time as I think over what happened and I can't help but wonder what she meant by the whole when-she-finds-out-all-your-shit comment. Does she mean his dad? Or his childhood? Maybe she just assumed he wouldn't have told me all that he has.

I'm not stupid enough to think there's not more to the story, but I also don't think anything he could tel me would make me not want to be with him.

I'm replaying the good parts of last night over and over again in my head, a deep flush settling over me when the bedroom door opens and Greyson strolls in. I bold upright, hoping the blush covering my whole face isn't that noticeable and take him in.

He must have gotten up early to go to the gym because his duffle bag is thrown over his shoulder, he's wearing a pair of workout shorts and a hoodie, and his water bottle hangs loosely in his hand.

Him eyes travel from the dogs at my feet up the bed and then up my body to my face. He stares at me for a couple seconds and I blush even harder when his lips turn up into a smirk and he drops his bag, setting his water bottle on his dresser.

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