34: Kennedy

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I'm backkkk:) hope you guys enjoy, it's a little boring but the past few chapters have been pretty action packed and I wanted something a little calmer.

Dropping Sarah off at the airport has me bawling like a baby and looking up the rules for adopting younger siblings. It can't be that hard right?

"Ken, I have to go."

My arms tighten around her. "No."

"I'll see you in like a month. We probably wouldn't have seen each other before Christmas even if I stay with mom." She tried to wiggle out of my embrace but I pinch her to make her stop.

"Don't be rational, this is a time for being irrational."

She laughs and a large hand touches my lower back. "Her flights leaves in an hour and she still has to get through security."

"Go away Greyson, this is family bonding time, not be mean to Kennedy time." My voice is muffled as I rest my forehead on Sarah's shoulder.

"He's right, I really have to go." Sarah squeezes me one last time before successfully getting out of my hug, and I blink back the tears building in my eyes.

"Okay, I guess you're right." I give her a smile and watch as she grabs her bags. "Text me before you take off and when you land, okay?"

"Of course." She looks between us before setting her bags back down and giving me another quick hug. "Okay, sorry, now I'm ready to go."

She leans over and wraps an arm around Greyson's shoulders, giving him a little side hug, and says something too low for me to hear. Greyson rolls his eyes before glancing at me and giving me a small smile that doesn't reach his eyes. I open my mouth to ask him what she said, but a warning for early boarding for Sarah's flight comes on over the speakers, and we say one last goodbye before I watch her disappear through airport security.

Greyson and I stand in silence for a while, watching people come and go, before we finally decide it's time to go.

When we get in Greyson's truck, I connect my phone and put on my sad playlist.

"I'm sad." I declare, rolling my head towards Greyson.

"I couldn't tell." I narrow my eyes and ignore the little flutter in my heart at him teasing me.

"This is no time for sarcasm."

"Oh, my bad."

"You're being rude. I just had a very heartbreaking endeavour."

"You'll see her in a month."


He shakes his head and pulls out of the parking lot. It's unseasonably warm today, and with the sun shining it feels like it could be spring. Seems weird that it can be so nice outside when everything seems like it's gone to shit lately.

We don't talk the whole way back to his apartment, with the exception of Greyson stopping to get food and telling me that if I didn't tell him what I wanted he would let me starve. A little dramatic if you ask me.

He sets out sushi down on the dining table before going to let his dogs out of his room, and I might switch some of the ones I don't like from mine for some of my favourites from his... I don't think he'll notice though.

When he pulls his chair out, he freezes and stares at his food before looking at me through narrowed eyes. Oh shit. Smiling innocently, I start eating and get lost in my own thoughts.

Everything from the past few days has been a blur, and I honestly still can't really believe it. My stomach tightens uncomfortably when I remember the way Mark had touched me, how he'd talked to me, and how he's reacted when he came into my moms room. How could she stay with him?

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