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Ryuji's thoughts went off to (Name) often for the last few days. His curiousity grew wider and wider with each inscrutable action she did, each carefully chosen word she spoke and how she would never, ever be seen without these bandages covering both of her arms. He even dared to think how both her legs could be covered, too - but that was just his personal guess.

He began staring at her in class. Not like in these romance movies everyone liked to talk about, no - but more of a surveillance. Something could happen in that moment he wouldn't look at her. But Ryuji didn't even know what could happen. He often saw her just staring at several places in the classroom, eyes open wide and fingers shaking only the slightest bit.

"Say, do you see that ... that thing back there too?" he recalled her anxious voice from the day he'd met her for the first time. Bon didn't even notice he'd balled his hands into fists as the swirling thoughts in his head just wouldn't stop spinning.

So, he decided to ask his master Lewin 'Lightning' Light what was going on with this girl - even it it was just for his own sake.

.✧ * . . ✧ *✧ ✧ ..

"Lewin, how come you know (Name) so well?"

The older male was currently snoozing on the couch in his room, covered in a thick blanket - Ryuji was responsible for the man's housework today again. But he wasn't his apprentice for nothing, he tried to soothe himself for the thousandth time.

"Why do you wanna know?" Lewin had one arm over his eyes so the light wouldn't disturb his precious sleeping time.

Bon sighed because he already knew this counter question would come. "I just find it hard to read her."

Lewin chuckled at his response. "You're not the only one at that." The older male sat up slowly and put both his elbows on his knees. "What got you interested, Ryuji?" Lightning wore his usual smirk, but it was obvious he was kind of serious on this topic.

"It's just...," he made up his mind, "does she have some kind of disease or why is she always wearing bandages? And you two have more than once been talking about any attempts and...," his voice trailed off. Bon couldn't even express clearly his confusion on all of this.

"I get why you're confused Ryuji, trust me, I really do," Lewin slowly answered and interwined his fingers. "But there are some things you might not get involved in." There was it again, that typical short and threatening glimpse Lightning only showed in serious situations.

Bon thought for a bit, silence falling between the two.

"What... happens if I ask her myself?"

Now Lewin looked at his apprentice, facing him fully - his hair wasn't even covering his eyes anymore.

"I guess you should just find out for yourself. But don't blame me if you don't get the answers you wish to hear."

And so, Ryuji made up his mind and went off towards his dorm room, having a hard time of falling asleep.

The answer just couldn't be too bad, could it? What's the worst thing he could hear?

The Librarian's Daughter (Ryuji Suguro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now