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"(Name), you don't want to be a disgrace, do you?" The girl quickly shook her head as she stared at the male figure towering over her. "Good." The man's face grew quite sinister. "Then tell my why it is you can't see demons. Or more like, see made up demons instead of the real ones."

How should I possibly know?

"I-I don't know..." The male's face didn't change at these words. "Fine. Maybe you'll realize when you've spent enough time by being all by yourself. You'll have all the time you need to think," he spoke and suddenly everything went dark.

(Name) slowly opened her eyes and lifted her head that had previously been resting on her arms. 'I must have fallen asleep...,' she thought as she regained her posture and stared down at the unfinished painting that laid on the table. It could have been ruined, but luckily the girl fell asleep when most of it has been dry already.

"Don't overwork yourself, kid," a familiar voice halled through the corner and which made (Name) look up immediately. Lewin stood on a wodden ladder and rummaged through the vast collection of books. Ryuji was staring at the girl for a short time until he browsed through the bookshelves, too. "Are you searching for something in particular?" she asked the both of them while rubbing her drowsy eyes. She didn't even notice she had already made her way towards the two males.

"I need every book you have in this library that somehow includes cloning. History of cloning, importance, definition...," Lightning spoke hastily as he almost threw several books on the floor. (Name) knew it would be no use telling him to be careful with these relics since he was such a cynical individual. "Looks like he hasn't changed for a bit," the female mumbled while staring at the male who was clearly in a rush.

"You seem to know him very well," were the first words Ryuji had spoken to her since they came to the library. The girl smiled at him and mustered his face. It was actually a really pretty face.

"I guess one could say that," she smiled and crossed her arms over her chest. Suguro was deep in thoughts again while he continued searching for the needed books. "You two don't have to search for these books by yourself. In fact, I already have about ten books in mind that could prove useful," the (hair-colour) girl spoke and slowly strolled off, interwining her fingers behind her back.

"Ryuji, you go with her," Lewin demanded after deciding he'd look for more books by himself.

✧ ✧* . . ✧ *✧ ✧

"You don't have to tell me why you are looking for all this stuff, but I bet it's very exciting," (Name) spoke as she led the way through these halls again. "It must be great to get experience first hand and from such a pro, that is." She looked genuinely happy for the boy, giving him a closed-eye smile.

"You don't really leave this library often, do you?" Ryuji gave her a sad look - he was an intelligent person, but this girl just couldn't be read as simply as books. Her smile faltered.

"I guess I don't." The girl's gaze went towards the ceiling. "Sorry for declining your offer the other day," she spoke with clear guilt in her voice, still not facing the boy.

Bon shook his head at her words and took a dusty book the girl had pushed in his hands. "You don't have to apologize."

Damn, he really wanted to have a proper conversation with her, but everything seems like a dead end.

As if none of this has ever happened, the girl immediately switched the topic. "I can't remember my dream. Earlier, I fell asleep, but I can't remember a thing." She then turned her head and somehow, the way she looked at him made something spin around in Ryuji's stomach. "Lewin told me you're quite the genius at remembering things. No wonder you're an Aria. That's very admirable."

"Thank you." He studied her face. It was actually a really pretty face. Bon rethought the question that swirled around in his head and finally mustered up the courage to ask the girl which was handing him a book from time to time. The staple in his hands has gotten quite big, to be honest.

"If you were to be an exorcist...," he began and yet only these few words already got (Name)'s full attention, "what Meister would you strive for?" The boy furrowed his eyebrows which was quite usual for him - he didn't even notice his resting bitch face anymore.

The girl was in thought for a short amount of time, tapping her chin. "I think..." she whispered, "I would go with Dragoon or Doctor. But I only know about their duties from all the books and documents I've read, so maybe these aren't the wisest choices." She chuckled nervously after the last part.

Dragoon, huh? Subconciously, Bon smiled at her choice and gave her a small nod. "I think these two would fit you."

"You think so?" Pure joy was written in the girl's face.

"To be completely honest, I'm also aspiring for the Meister of Dragoon, so I can tell you about their work from time to time if you're interested." Bon didn't even know what has gotten into him when he spoke these words.

"I'd love to!"

Before they could finish their slowly developing conversation, Lewin's voice halled through the ruins and interrupted them. "Hey you two, I found something!"

And so, their conversation never came to a conclusion and it was open if Ryuji was going to head to the library on request or on his own accord.

The Librarian's Daughter (Ryuji Suguro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now