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Once upon a time, a girl was born - the Librarian's Daughter. Her birth was celebrated greatly among the exorcists of Japan's True Cross branch and the festivities continued for a few days straight. The attendees couldn't wait for her to see demons and so it was destined she had to undergo Mashou in the young age of five. The director of the library, her father, was a highly respected man by all exorcists and would have to defend his reputation if the child came out to be a disgrace.

That's what the man thought.

The woman on the other side, the girl's mother, was a deeply caring wife and just wanted the best for their only child. It turned out her parents couldn't be more different. On the one hand, there was this man who only cared for his work, his reputation or himself in general. On the other hand, there was this woman that was so empathetic it would drive her mad at some point.

After one year of several attempts being made, there were still no signs the girl was able to see demons. Something like that never occured in the exorcist's world.

At the age of seven, the father lost all hope. His only child turned out to be a disappointment and there could be no way he was able to save himself. Or maybe there is a way - but a way so cruel the child's mother could not allow it without drowning in tears.

That's when they put a Texan man in the spotlight. This certain man was worldwide known for his spectacular exorcism skills as he seemed to deny anything a normal exorcist had to learn in order to work in the demonic field. He was the only hope they had left.

So the man who was destined to become Arc Knight in the distant future due to his talent got fetched away to Japan, a country he had read about a lot in his academic years.

It was the first time he stepped foot into the underground library - this was a big piece of pride for True Cross Academy and known for its huge selection of books. The man got led into the family's rooming house which was built behind the library a long time ago. So long that nobody remembers someone who could remember who built this secret housing... it was a perfectly secluded place.

"Our child can't see demons."

There wasn't even a greeting coming from the man as he laid eyes on his only ray of hope.

"Hello to you too. What do you mean with 'your child can't see demons'?"

"She's had so many mashou and still doesn't see a thing."

With these few words that were a poor excuse for a greeting, Lewin Light got led into the child's room where said child was quietly sleeping on the floor. She curled herself up and seemed to have a pleasent dream.

"Oh, I'm so sorry about that!" A woman rushed into the room from behind and brushed Lightning softly in the movement. He assumed this woman to be her mother since they looked very alike. Said person slowly kneeled down and shook her daughter's shoulder. "(Name), dear, it's time to wake up. You have a visitor!"

Lewin had never let go of this memory. It was something special he would not want to forget.

The girl's skin was covered with scars, some looking more fresh than others. Lightning immediately knew this was the work of demons - the characteristic bite wounds showed the forms of animalistic - no, demonic - teeth and there were also black, some purple, brand marks done by middle leveled fire demons.

Back then, the man couldn't believe she was unaware of the species who did this.

But it turned out she truly was the only known person on this planet to be completely unable of seeing demons. Lewin tried his best in these years to make her understand the world of demons and even tried to make her see them. But it was no use.

The girl's father was distraught. These were unhappy times for everyone who had to associate with him and even Lightning had problems to keep up his ironic facade when this man spoke up.

(Name) (Last Name), the Librarian's Daughter. She would have to meet the same fate as a locked away princess in a tower, yet for her it were the marble ruins of the underground library.

Lewin had known about the attempts for a long time - he even was present at a few, but some were just more unbearable to watch than others. A trapped girl in a dark room that was illuminated with only a harsh beam of light shining down on her. The darkness veiled her cries as invisible creatures inflicted pain on her, month after month.

Just why wouldn't anything work?

The girl lived in her own secluded world by birth and the kindest people in this small world were her mother and the once foreign man from Mexico.

Did she live happily ever after?

The Librarian's Daughter (Ryuji Suguro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now