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𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝒽𝑒𝓇𝑒 𝒾𝓉 𝒾𝓈, 𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝒻𝒾𝓃𝒶𝓁 𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓋𝑒.

It has been only three weeks since Ryuji's and (Name)'s kiss, but it felt to them like they have been spending at least one whole year together like this. Well, in fact they may even have spent time together that long - but being a couple was something different to both of them, so it felt at least equally as long.

It was a beautiful and quiet evening with the orange sun softly glimmering above the campus of True Cross Academy. There weren't any signs of something big to happen soon, and so the exorcist exwires decided to spend this cozy evening together as a class. Bon brought his girlfriend along of course and to be true...

... this day couldn't have been any better.

To be honest, the stony steps they were sitting on weren't that comfortable, but it didn't really matter to them. They were happy as a class - as friends - and everything else couldn't bother them right now. Right?

"Hey Bon," the librarian's daughter spoke after some time of her and her boyfriend simply staring into the distance. He glanced sidewards and gave her a small mh? as a sign to continue. "If I had to spend my last days alive on this earth with one single person, I'd love to spend it with you." Her (e/c) eyes fixated on their intertwined hands that were on the boy's knee. Her gaze was confident, but still held a certain mix of sadness and happiness to it.

Bon didn't reply instantly, his mouth a bit open at this sudden statement she just uttered. But then, he smiled.

"I'd love to spend it with you as well, of course," the boy gently ran his fingers through her hair. "But we still have a lot to do in this world." He thought back to the things his master Lightning and Ryuji himself had found out while being on another excursion. True Cross Academy had to hide a lot more things than just the simple experimentings (Name) had to undergo. There was so much more to uncover and Bon was determined to get behind all these things, but-

They were all still children after all. And Ryuji was scared of the yet unknown things that might come. Yes, he was scared.

(Name) put her head on the boy's shoulder as she tightened the grip around his hand. It wasn't too difficult to block out the joyful shouts made by the other students (Rin exclaimed several times how beautiful the sunlight is and how more often they should just hang out like this) and once more, the long ago lonely girl found herself feeling pure joy in the depths of her heart again. She has already realized this well before, but she was the happiest when she was together with Bon.

But before aforesaid male could lie his head on hers as well, a strange and harsh light could be discovered in the distance.

This wasn't just the sun anymore.

"Erm guys, do you see what I see?" Izumo expressed as she stood up from her place and walked down two steps, her twintails flowing quickly in the process. The heads of the other ones shot up as well as the lurid white glim in the distance got a bit greater. An anxious feeling soon made the former happiness wash away and without any of them even realizing, all of the youths had already walked down to the end of the stairs and looked heavenwards.

Suguro and (Name) still had their hands intertwined and everyone could just feel the graveness of the situation.

"Is it... c-coming closer?" Shima said out loud. This question must have already been in everyone's head since all of their gazes got more and more serious and strained. It's so bright...

"Do you think it's the Illuminati?" Shiemi's frightened voice could be heard. The rustling of the bushes and trees nearby only undermined the dramatic atmosphere and Rin was quick to take out Kurikara from its sheath.

"Whoever it is, we will smash them!" His demonic fangs were showing, but somehow there wasn't any real reassurance in the air. It didn't matter what any of them was going to say - they all understood perfectly that this wasn't a simple attack by anyone in front of them.

Bon's grip on the female's hand tightened as his brown orbs stared into the far distance ahead. The light was so bright right now, they all had to close their eyes to a minimum not to get fully blinded.

"Ryuji?" (Name)'s voice echoed through the tenseness before she pushed herself against the boy next to her. He instantly hugged her back since the light got more and more brighter with each second that passed. There wasn't any leeway for thinking anymore.

They both hugged each other and could still make out the faint gasps of their fellow classmates. 'Why isn't Mephisto coming?' Izumo shouted bewilderedly and the rustling of the trees had gotten so loud, no one could hear each other speak anymore. All they could do was stand in the white world that appeared to be ending right on one of the most beautiful days ever.

"I love you, Bon," the girl whispered into Bon's ear since she was near enough for him to hear it. He pulled her even closer now, his arms shaking only the tiniest bit.

"I love you too, (Name)." The female could feel the stubbles of his chin beard on her cheek as he leaned closer towards her. "S-so much," Bon choked on his own words as he realized what was happening right now.

The world was indeed ending.

And so, they held onto one another so tight, one would be surprised to hear none of them got suffocated yet. But they loved each other ever so dearly and silently smiled to themselves, knowing they would experience their last moments indeed together.

The brightness of the world had reached it's maximum and everything turned to snow white ashes until the whole world had fallen into everlasting darkness and quietness.

𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐧'𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫.

Author's Note: I won't say much about this, but for anyone who might have not understood: This is some alternate reality ending in which Lucifer and the Illuminati did indeed succeed in "destroying" the world and bringing peace to everything. That's why everything's turning white.

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