(20: Alternate Bonus)

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This is a small alternate bonus (information) for all the people who can't stand dark endings and felt like there should be some happy ending to this story, so... yeah, have fun reading! But don't forget, this isn't the "real" ending of The Librarian's Daughter ;)

In a perfect world in which (Name) would have also been successfully rescued from the clutches of her father, she and Bon had gotten a couple as well. (Name) wouldn't go into her library anymore since the memories she had with the place were just too much to bear. Especially after having befriended Ryuji and learning about how wrong everything about the experiments was, the girl wouldn't have wanted to go there anymore.

Ryuji Suguro had become a safe pillar in her life and (Name) had become a tender spot for the boy which no one should even dare to lay fingers on. After them having kissed in the rain, they became a couple and everyone of the exwires was happy to hear about an information like that. The two of them would continue with their classes and Bon would continue with telling her about the fascinating things he got to learn about in the exorcist course.

It is unclear if (Name) followed her passion in arts or if she went onto a totally different path. Maybe she would help Ryuji with medical treatments in the future since she wouldn't have to see demons in order to prepare medicine and other drugs. Maybe she would get so interested in the demonic area, the girl could imagine a possible future for herself in another field of work that could support her boyfriend's way of living.

But in the end, they were happy. The Illuminati and any other threats got defeated and in a peaceful world like that (except for the demons that still hung around), both of them could be sure to look into a bright future for themselves.

Author's Note: Okay, it's really ending here now! I had a good time with writing this story, especially for the first chapters where I could still rely on manga material or for the showdown chapter in which Ryuji has finally managed to rescue the Libarian's Daughter from the horrible place she has been in. I hope I managed to bring the feelings I imagined for this story through to you dear readers and I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. There really isn't much stuff for Ryuji x Reader (especially not manga-wise, in which he is... MUCH COOLER), so I hope we'll get to see more of that in the future. Bye! ♥

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