Chapter 02

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"See you later." Wonwoo waved his small hand to me. We both parted ways but we agreed to meet each other at the park just nearer our house later. I'm so happy and excited for it!

"Mom!!" I run to her and hugged her as soon as I reached her.

"My daughter looks so happy today! Any good things happened today?" She asked me while smiling, I nodded my head with a very happy smile.

"I made a friend!"

"Woah?! Jinjja?!" Her eyes widened.

"What's her name?"

"He's a boy mom, his name is Jeon Wonwoo." I chuckled.

"Aww~ That's great!" She pinched both my cheeks.

After we both arrived home, I quickly changed to a sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I ran to the park and saw Wonwoo playing the swing all by himself.

"Hi!" I waved my hand to him, he lifted his head and a happy smile appeared on his face.

"Aru, play the swing with me." He pointed the unoccupied swing beside him, my smile suddenly faded away, he tilted his head as he stared at me in bafflement.

"What's wrong?" He questioned with his blank face.

"I can't fit.." I murmured.

"Oh.. Sorry."

"It's okay, I will just watch you play." I smiled.

"We can play the seesaw!" He pointed the seesaw but then again my smile faded away.

"Ahh, I forgot." He punched his own head after that.

"Hm.. There must be something that we could play together." He started to wonder while his eyes are looking around the park. I'm just here standing.

"Most of the games are only for skinny people. I'm fat.. If I ever step on it or sit on it, I might ended up breaking it.." I muttered to him, he furrowed his eyebrows as if what I said just now doesn't make any sense.

But it's the truth.

"Don't be like that, follow me." His tiny hand grabbed my wrist and bring me to the spot where there are sand.

"We can try building a castle." He grinned.

"That's a good idea." I agreed.

We both started to try making a castle. We did made it at the end but it looks so.. Horrible. It doesn't look like a castle at all but instead, it just looks like a mountain. Wonwoo and I stared at each other before bursting out into laughter.

"Yah! What castle is this even?!"

But that's when a group of boys mixed with girls appeared, stomping at our 'castle' totally ruining it.

"You can't even build a sand castle? What are fat people even good at?" The boy raised an eyebrow.

"Uhh.. Eating?" The girl answered, they all ended up laughing and mocking at me.

They're our classmates.

Why in the world are they here right at this moment when I'm having fun with my friend? They ruined the mood. They're just gonna bully and make fun of me, I'm so scared right now as my hands started to shaking.

"Stop bullying her, she didn't even disturb all of you." Wonwoo said as he stood infront of me, trying to cover me with his tiny body and I realised that I'm taller than him.

And of course, even much more heavier and bigger in size than him.

"Why are you protecting her? Do you like her?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Of course I like her, she's my friend." Hearing that, my eyes widened.


"Aren't you embarrassed of having a fat girl by your side at school? Or, you don't mind?" He smirked.

"Why would I be embarrassed? You guys are the ones who should feel embarrassed instead. Shamelessly just bullying innocent people, all of you are a piece of dung." Wonwoo retorted and here I blinked my eyes a lot of time not believing my ears after listening to what Wonwoo had just uttered.

"A piece of dung? How dare you!" And he grabbed Wonwoo's shirt, he punched Wonwoo's face.

"Stop it.." I said with my shaky voice.

"You guys are even bullying people outside the school! Don't your parents teach you all manners?!" Wonwoo shouted, I couldn't believe with such tiny body, he could actually shout that loud.

"You go to school and learned about manners, what happened to your knowledge about manners?!" He continued. The boys are somehow peeved at Wonwoo so they keep punching him.

I couldn't take it, I pushed all of them away and since I'm fat, my force are stronger than all of them making them to fall on the ground. I grabbed Wonwoo's wrist and run along with him.

I stopped running due to exhaustion. I breath heavily as I put my hand on my chest. I've never run that far in my whole life so it makes me feel extremely exhausted.

"Are you alright?" He asked me.

"What about you?"

"I'm good."

I examined Wonwoo's face and lucky enough their punches wasn't that hard, I didn't see any marks on Wonwoo's face.

We both sat on the bench.

"I'm scared.." I suddenly muttered.

"Of what?"

"The bullies.. I'm sure they'll keep bullying me because I'm fat. Everyone hates me because I'm fat. I'm fat, I'm fat, I'm fat!" I cried while keep punching my fat and stupid belly!

"Stop it, Aru!" He hold both my hands.

"Don't hurt yourself, it's not good." He shook his head.

I started crying.

"Why are you crying? Please stop crying." He said while wiping my tears away with his tiny and skinny fingers.

"All I wanted is just a peaceful day at school.. But this is only the first day but they are already bullying me even outside the school." I said within my cry which made him heaved a sigh.

"Don't mind about them." He patted my back.

"I will fight them whenever they bully you." He flashed me the convincing smile.

"But they're in a group and you're alone, Wonwoo." I mumbled.

"Who do you think is stronger?" He raised an eyebrow, I shook my head and shrugged as I didn't know what to answer.

"Of course me! I am brave enough to fight all of them alone and they fight me in a group! Like what you saw earlier." He chuckled after that.

"That makes sense.." I murmured.

He suddenly gave me his pinky finger, I frowned as I looked at him in puzzlement.

"I promise I will protect you from the bullies." He giggled.

I was hesitant at first, but without thinking more, I intertwined our pinky fingers together which made his smile grew wider.

I can't believe I have someone to rely on from now on. It's just our first met today and even our first day as a friend but a lot of things had already happened today, both good and bad things. Wonwoo helped me from the bullies which actually made my heart fluttered.

At least, from now on I have someone who I could trust.


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