Chapter 09

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It's been a week since I transferred to this school. I'm very glad and relieved that so far, I've been just enjoying my school life. I never had the chance to before, but now I have the chance and I am enjoying my school life! I feel so happy.

Everyday.. I'm so excited to go to school.

I never felt excited to go to school.

But now.. It feels so fun going to school without anyone bullying you, judging your face and even making fun of your body.

"Aru, pass me the ball!" My girl classmate shouted, bringing me back to my senses.

"Sure!" I threw the ball to her.

We have PE class now. It's the class that I've always hated since elementary school because this is the time where my classmates would bully me by throwing balls to me, making me run here and there to pick the ball for them and many more cruel things that I wish I could just forget.

But this time, I no longer hate and fear PE class. Everyone are very friendly and even offered me to join them along.

Being skinny sure is awesome.

It let me experience a lot of good things that I never had the chance to experience when I was fat and ugly. It surely gives me a lot of advantages.

"What's wrong?" Yemin asked me as she nudged me softly.


"AHHHH OH MY GOD SEUNGCHEOL SUNBAENIM!!" Yemin squealed while keep jumping up and down, I frowned witnessing her wittiness. I decided to look at this 'sunbae' and there was a bunch of guys.

And I remember they're the ones who were playing basketball on my first day of attending this school.

They do look cool.

"That's my new crush since yesterday." Yemin gave me a grin as she eye-smiled me.

Ever since the first day I knew Yemin, she've been fangirling over dozens of boys. It's like five boys a day or maybe even more, I don't know, I'm lost because I don't have that many fingers compared to Yemin's crushes.

I only have ten fingers.

And Yemin's crushes are even much more than that.

"How many crushes do you have so far?" I shook my head.

"Probably 30."

I choked and punched my chest twice.


"Aru, I'm going to the grocery store. Are you coming with me?" My mom asked me.

"No mom, while you go to the grocery store I'll go to the park." I told her.

We both left the house with different directions. I decided to go to the park and once I arrived, I sat down on the bench while looking at my surroundings.

A smile suddenly plastered on my face the moment I recalled to our memories. Just the two of us being oblivious to the people around the park while having fun teasing each other, sharing jokes and even sharing foods.

It's not the same park, but it just reminded me of the past.

I heard a group of girls laughing. I turned to look and somehow I envy them for laughing and talking with their friends. It must be nice to have a group of friends like them. Having sleepovers, hanging out during the weekends, study together in the library.

It must feels so nice.

But my eyes suddenly widened as I realised one of them,

Was my bully.

Park Juna.

She grew up to be even much more prettier than the last time I saw her.

Please don't tell me that she attends the same school as I am now.

I ran away from the park. My tears fell down my cheeks as I keep running and running, my mind flashbacking to my bad memories of her, my hands started shaking, she was one of my worst bullies. I just keep running until somehow, I bumped to a random guy.

"I'm sorry!" I didn't even want to look at the person's face and just keep on running, running back to my house.

Once I reached my house, I slammed the door closed. I fell down on my knees while still crying loudly like a kid.

What if Juna really does attend my school? What if Juna tells everyone how I used to look like? What if she shows them a photo of me when I was fat? People sure will make fun of me.

Why must it be like this?

I thought my new life has just begin.

But eventually, it's just a new chapter of my nightmare.


I didn't want to go to the cafeteria to have my lunch but instead, I went to the rooftop. I'm watching the people from the rooftop but so far, I haven't seen Juna.

"Oppa, teach me how to draw!" That's a very familiar voice.

I looked down and it's really just Yemin with her 18th or 29th crush.

What I like about Yemin is that.. Despite having lots of crushes, she is never the badass or bitchy type of girl, she's the opposite, very easygoing and friendly but also at the same time cute. I'm glad that I have a friend like Yemin.

She once wanted to introduce me to a guy but I refused.

That's just not my thing.

I suddenly wonder that if Juna ever happens to see me, could she even recognize me?

I don't think that I look that much different if I was to compare myself when I was fat and how I recently look like. Maybe it's just my body that looks very different, but not the face but of course, I no longer have chubby cheeks.

I just hope that she wouldn't notice me if she sees me.

But I really hope that she will never ever see me again.

I decided to go down and there I saw Yemin sitting on the bench while staring at a paper.


"Look! This literally screams art." She showed me the paper, it's a drawing of a sunset. It looks really, really, really beautiful.

"Who drew that?"

"My 11th oppa." She locked her arm around mine.

"Really." I shook my head.

We both decided to head back to class. Yemin is talking a lot about her so-called '11th oppa' and it's seriously funny. I like to listen to her fangirling about all of her 'oppa' and 'sunbae' because I love to see how Yemin looks like when she's in love.

It must be awesome to be in love.

Seeing people in love, they suddenly looks so attractive and cute..

Will I also look like that if I am gonna be in love one day?


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