Chapter 10

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"Let's go." Yemin locked her arm with mine and we both are now heading to the cafeteria to eat our lunch together.

But right at that moment, I saw Juna and her group of friends.

My hands are shaking when I realised that she's looking at me. My cheeks feels so hot, not because I'm blushing but because of being too nervous. She is squinting her eyes as she keep staring at me.

My hands couldn't stop shaking.

"Yah! Is this really you? You lost a lot of weights!" She shouted as she pointed her finger to me, everyone around the school's corridor are now nailing their eyes to us.

My nightmare officially begins.

"Daebak! Shin Aru the fat girl, now she's so skinny!" She clapped her hands, everyone are starting to mumbling something and I'm sure it's about me.

"Oh? You're the girl that was running on the park the other day. You bumped me, remember?" A very unfamiliar voice spoke. Both me and Yemin turned around only to see a handsome tall guy, smiling to me.

I heard Yemin gulped.

"H-huh? Y-yeah." I turned my head away.

"Oh, by the way.. I'm Kim Mingyu." He smiled.

"Do you know her?" He asked Juna.

"Of course I know her, she's a very good friend of mine. She used to attend the same middle school as me but she transferred to another school and left me.. It was because the other students bullied her because she was so fat back then." Juna made a very fake sympathy face towards me.

"I was actually surprised to see that you're now skinny but.. Still ugly." She whispered the last part while wearing a smile of satisfaction. Everyone are laughing. It reminded me of the past.. Their laughs sounded like the most eeriest nightmare to me..

Why must this happens.

I ran away.

"Aru ah!!"

I stopped at somewhere where I don't see any students are around and took several deep breaths.

"Hey.. Are you okay?" Yemin asked me as she put her hand on my shoulder. I slowly nodded my head. She noticed my hands are still shaking so she hold it with her hands firmly.

"Just ignore them, Aru." She smiled to me.

I can't, Yemin. I really can't.

Everything is repeating. Every year is the same. Being skinny doesn't change everything. They're starting to bully me again, doesn't matter where I go, the bullies just won't stop. There's not even a single place where I could escape from getting bullied.

Why must my life be like this?

All I ever wanted was just a normal school life.

What's so hard about granting that wish?

Everyone are enjoying their normal school life. But what about me? Why can't I be like them? Why was I even fat in the first place? If only I've been skinny since birth, all these things wouldn't have happened to me.

I would just be living my normal and peaceful school life and having a lot of friends, enjoying my school.

"Yemin ah.. I want to be alone. You should go and eat your lunch." I smiled to her as I patted her shoulder.

"I don't want to leave you alone-"

"I want to be alone, please." I smiled convincingly. She sighed before agreeing.

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