Chapter 18

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I was actually confused to see everyone around the corridor having their phones watching a video which I assumed to be a funny video? When they noticed me staring at them, they gave me the weird look, an expression that I couldn't describe.

"Isn't she's the one in the video?"

"Yeah, she got a boyfriend but she's also after Mingyu."

"Everyone knows Mingyu is for Juna."

"She's a bitch."

"She thinks that after she's skinny, she's cool?"

I can feel my world crashing when I heard those mumbles. And I am certain that the video they're watching is a video of Juna bullying me inside the toilet yesterday. I didn't even notice them recording me.

My classmates also gathered together watching the same video.

"Yah~ Who knew Aru could be this cool? She already have a boyfriend but have the guts to tackle another guy!" One of the boy exclaimed, everyone started laughing and mocking at me. I felt so tiny, I felt so afeared to actually be standing here with them gazing at me and their guffaws are making me even more nervous.

"Yah, is this your goal to be skinny?"

"Y-you guys misunderstood." I stuttered as my hands are quivering.

"What misunderstood? It's clear from what we saw from the video." Another retorted.

I couldn't help anymore. My tears fell down my cheeks so I ran out of my class not knowing where my legs are leading me to, running out from the school. I'm such a useless girl, all I ever know is to just run away.


Where are you when I needed you? You told me that you're always there for me.. But where are you now?


"Aru, where have you been? I've been looking for you around the school." The apprehensive looking Wonwoo asked me the moment he came into my room.

"Wonwoo please.. I want to be alone." I continued crying, hugging my knees even more tighter.

"I don't want to see you." I turned my body away.

"You lied to me.. You told me that you're not gonna let anyone hurt me.. You told me that the same thing are not gonna happen again.. You told me that you're always there for me. But you lied." I mumbled, almost sounded like whispering.

My heart hurts so much.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there." He penitently apologized as he sat beside me, he put both of his hands on my shoulders.

"But that doesn't mean I'm breaking my promise, Aru. I had no idea Juna would do such thing to you in the toilet. If only I know, I would've gone there to stand up for you." His deep voice averred softly.

"After one, there's another one coming. First, embarrassing me by showing my pictures during her birthday party and now, the video of Juna bullying me got spread to everyone at school. Where am I gonna put my face, Wonwoo? I'm so ashamed of myself." I feebly purred, tears couldn't stop falling out from my swollen eyes.

"How am I gonna go to school tomorrow? They misunderstood thinking the reason why I became skinny is to tackle boys." I added, enunciating it weakly.

"I thought everything's gonna be fine once I've become skinny.." I continued.

"I don't want to attend that school anymore.." I cried again.

"Aru, until when will you just keep running away? So, you're gonna transfer to another school and the same thing happen again so you'll transfer to another school again? And this thing will repeat until you graduate high school?" Wonwoo objurgated me, he sounded so miffed of me right now. Hearing that, it angered me instead.

"Do you expect me to go to school and act like nothing happened?!" I indignantly upbraided him.

"Think, Wonwoo. You've never been in my shoes. You don't know how I feel, you don't know how hard it's been for me." I frostily chided.

"I know I've never been put in the same situation as you. Stand tall for yourself, Aru. They don't know what you've been through, they know nothing. Prove everyone that they're wrong, you can't just disappear and transfer to another school, don't be a coward, Aru." He mellowly chastised me.

"It's time for you to stand up for yourself, I'll help you through everything. I promise you." He tapped my shoulder twice with a smile of assurance.

"This time, I'm not gonna make you go through it alone anymore." His convincing eyes stared into mine. I couldn't help but I feel like I trust him and that I feel so safe with him.

"But Wonwoo.. I'm not resilient. How am I gonna go through it?" I turned my head away as my eyes are starting to become teary again.

"You have me." He hold my hand firmly.


"Remember what I said yesterday, what I said the other day and what I said five years ago, okay?" He smiled warmly to me.

"Thank you for never getting bored of saying the same thing to me over and over again.. Yes, Wonwoo. I'll keep in my mind about everything you've said to me." I flashed him my smile.

"And remember, stand tall." He ruffled my hair. I nodded with a confident smile on my face. Wonwoo offered me his hand and we both intertwined our fingers together while walking to the school.

I've never feel this confident before. Sure I was confident on my first day of attending this school, but this time it feels so different. It's like being exuberant at the same time confident. These kind of feelings feels so nice.

Wonwoo walked me to my class, as expected everyone are staring at us and mumbling things about us but we both are just being too carefree about them. Or more like, being oblivious to everyone staring and judging us.

When I entered my class, Yemin was about to stand up and come to me but I signaled her to stop. I stood at the front of my class, all of my classmates are giving me the weird and questioning look in which I can tell that they're ready to judge, mock and even humiliate me.

I'm standing tall for myself. I'm gonna speak for myself. I'm gonna prove them that I'm not like what they think who I am. Wonwoo's right, until when will I just keep being a coward? It's time for me to change. It's time for me to stop running away.

I took a deep breath.

I'm ready.


i will publish the last chapter tomorrow :)

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