Chapter 05

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Ever since that day, my perspective on Wonwoo had changed drastically. Every little things he did to me now resulted a big impact to me. Like when he hold my hands, my heart flutters. When he stared into my eyes, I can feel the butterflies in my big stomach. When he laughed, it feels like the time moves in slow motion.

I used to feel nothing whenever he did all those things before. But now.. Every little thing of him, even the smallest details of him matters to me.

Everything he did to me, do certainly make me feel delighted.

Is this what we called love?

Am I too young to actually fall in love?


The school ended.

"Aru ah, wanna go to the park after school?" Wonwoo asked me while smiling.

"Sure!" I gladly accepted his offer.

We both are walking down the stairs but suddenly we heard loud noises and heavy footsteps running towards us.

We both looked behind and it was our bullies coming towards our direction while having those face that shows me that they have bad intentions to us. Wonwoo quickly pushed me to the side and he ended up being pushed by them, Wonwoo stumbled and fell down the stairs, my eyes widened.

"Wonwoo!" I run to him and hold his shoulders.

"Are you okay?!"

"Arghhh.. That hurts.." He keep wincing in pain while rubbing his now injured ankle.

"YAH! YOU GUYS ARE TOO MUCH!!" I indignantly bellowed.

For the first time, I raised my voice to them. For the first time, I showed them what I looks like when I'm furious. And for the first time, Wonwoo looked at me with a discombobulated look, it's his first time seeing me shouting to them. Though, it took too much of bravery for me to do so.

"Omo, did the fat girl just shout right now?"

"She looked like that one fat anime girl!"

There they go again laughing and making fun of me.

"Run everyone!! The fatty monster are mad right now!!" And they all ran away from us.

"Wonwoo, does it hurt so bad?" I asked him as my eyes went teary.

"Aru.." He murmured.

"Wonwoo!" I heard Wonwoo's mother called from afar. She quickly run to us and checked for Wonwoo.

"Wonwoo dear, what happened?!" She questioned anxiously.

"The boys-"

"I fell down, my eyes was somewhere else." Wonwoo cut me off. He lied, he lied just now!

"Aish! You should be careful! I'll bring you to the hospital!" His mother picked him up and rushed to the hospital.

I stayed there.

It's my fault.

They're targeting me but Wonwoo pushed me away to save me but he ended up being the one who got pushed instead. He got injured because of me, he got hurt because of me.

All because of me, the fat, the ugly, and the worthless girl.

Everything bad that he experienced at school, are all because of me.

I started crying.

"Aru? Why are you crying my girl?" My mom asked me as she bent her knees to check on me. I looked up at her, her face looks so concerned right now.

"Mom.. My friend.. Wonwoo.. He's in the hospital.."


My mom contacted Wonwoo's mother. They knew each other when that one day they saw us walking out of the school together. My mom was so happy seeing me finally having a friend and Wonwoo's mother are glad that Wonwoo is having a friend too.

We went to the hospital and the moment we got in to Wonwoo's ward, my eyes widened.

"It was just mild sprained ankle injury, the doctors said that he'll be fine in a few days. He just have to rest." Wonwoo's mother told my mom.

I went to stand beside Wonwoo's bed, he stared at me and smile meanwhile my eyes went teary watching him suffering like this. I am the one who made him suffer. I bring him nothing but bad lucks.

"I'm so sorry.." I whispered before I starts crying.

"I told you to stop crying." He chuckled.

"Everything will be fine soon.. For you." I smiled.

"Huh? What do you mean, Aru?" He frowned.

"I-I mean.. Your ankle will be fine soon." I smiled sheepishly.

"Of course I will be fine again, I have to be fine soon so that you won't be lonely at school." He giggled, I just flashed him my most tenuous smile.

"Stop giving me that face. I'm fine. You don't have to be so worried!" He laughed.

"Wonwoo's right, Aru. You don't have to be worried, Wonwoo is strong and he will be fine soon." Wonwoo's mother put her hand on my shoulder to comfort me.

"I believe Wonwoo is strong." I smiled as I nodded my head.

After saying our goodbyes, we both went back home. I took a shower meanwhile my mom cooked for dinner. After we finished, we eat the dinner together.

"What's wrong with my baby girl? You've been so gloomy even when visiting Wonwoo. You don't even talk much with him. Are you that sad? Don't worry, he'll be fine in a few days." She smiled as she patted my head softly.


"Yes, Aru? Say it my dear."

"Transfer me to another school." Upon hearing my statement, her eyes widened.

"W-why? Aru? Why are you suddenly asking me to transfer you to another school? I thought you liked it there, you have Wonwoo, don't you?" She raised an eyebrow, she hold one of my shoulder to see my face.

I started crying.

"Aru, what's wrong? Why are you crying? What actually happened at school? Aru, tell me!" My mom's eyes went teary.

"I got bullied everyday because I'm fat and ugly! Wonwoo stood up against my bully, but he ended up getting bullied by them too because he tried to protect me!" I cried again, crying pathetically. My mom's hands fell down from holding my shoulder, her tears fell down her cheeks.

"My poor Aru.. Why didn't you tell me about it? Everytime I asked you, you told me that you're having a fun time with such a cheerful face, I never suspected anything bad are happening to you.." My mom couldn't stop crying as she hugged me tightly.

"I just don't want to make you feel worried.." I cooed feebly.

"I am worried everyday.. But everyday you told me that everything are fine." She mumbled.

"Mom please.. I don't want them to keep bullying Wonwoo. I am the reason why they bullied him too. If Wonwoo's mother found out about that.. She would be very sad. It's better if I transfer to another school so they will stop bullying him. Please, mom." I begged as I keep pulling her shirt.

"As you wish, Aru. I will do everything to make my daughter happy. I will transfer you to another school, okay?" She gave me a smile.

"Thank you mom."


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