Chapter 16

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"Are you okay?" Yemin queried me the moment she entered my room.


"I'm sorry, Aru. I didn't know anything so I was confused about what happened today." She mumbled while holding one of my hand.

"That's okay.."

"I don't get it. Why would she still hates you? It's not that her crush likes you or something. You know what I mean, right? Like those in dramas, the bitch got mad when their crush likes the other girl." She ended up chuckling bitterly.

"But I don't think Mingyu likes her. Sure she's pretty but her attitude.. Nah. I'm pretty much sure she's not Mingyu's type." She shook her head while wearing the grimaced look.

"Anyway, I can't believe when you told me that the guy who helped you was actually your friend from five years ago and that you guys unexpectedly met at this school? He's in the basketball team among with Seungcheol sunbaenim, isn't he?" She raised an eyebrow as she softly nudged me with an astute smile.


"He's handsome. He's now my-"

"Don't you dare." I cut her off, giving her my gruesome yet noxious death glare.

"Eh? Why?" She turned to look at me with a baffled look.

"He's my boyfriend."

She snorted and covered her mouth swiftly afterwards, with her eyes widened in disbelief.

"Him? Your boyfriend? Oh my god. You're so lucky! Oh my god, Aru! You have a boyfriend!" She's jumping up and down as she keep shaking my left arm, I couldn't help but to laugh.

"Oh? The basketball tournament is coming soon! Last year, our school won and I'm sure our school will win again this year!" She clapped her hands, excited.

"Did Wonwoo joined, last year?"

"Hm.. No, I think." She frowned, trying to recall her memories.

"But he does join them playing for fun sometimes." She added.


"Yah, can I see more pictures of you when you're fat?"

"Did you really went to surgery?"

"If you didn't, what's your secret or tips?"

"Give me some tips! I feel so fat!"

My classmates are surrounding me right now, bombarding me with such questions that I hate to hear the most, that I wish I could never ever hear again. I feel uncomfortable, I feel so downhearted and I also feel so shamefaced. Being ambivalent like this are slowly making me feel anxious.

This reminds me of the past.

I couldn't stop my hands from shaking, I couldn't control myself. The fear inside me is slowly eating me. All of their attentions are only on me, it makes me feel so edgy and trepidatious.

I'm afraid.

"Yah! Go back to your own seats!" Yemin scolded as she stomped her palm on my desk, startling everyone.

"Tsk, what is wrong with her."

"We're just asking.."

All of them went back to their own seats.

"Are you okay?" She put her hand on my shoulder, tilting her head to see my face. I had tears in my eyes, but this time I'm not gonna let my tears fall. I don't want to embarrass myself infront of the others anymore.

"I-I'm fine." I gave her my fragile smile.

"Thanks, Yemin." I quavered, it's obvious that my voice are shaking when I said it. Yemin heaved a sigh as she moved her chair closer to mine.

"Always here for you." She tapped my shoulder.

That made me feel happy..

Not only I have Wonwoo, I also have Yemin here. I'm not alone anymore. But at the same time, I also feel like I'm being dependent between Wonwoo and Yemin. It's like I can't go on everything without them, can't go on everything by my own.

What would've happened if it wasn't Wonwoo and Yemin? I'm not strong to face everything, alone.

The word alone itself already fears me just by hearing it and imagining it.


"This reminds me of the past." I chuckled. We both are now eating our lunch at the rooftop.

"I missed doing this with you." He flashed me a smile.

"Yah.. Why would you? We had to eat our lunch at the rooftop to avoid us from getting bullied. That's not a good memory." I gave him an awkward chuckle soon after.

"If you think of it that way, then it is a bad memory. But if you think of it the other way then it is a good memory." He averred.

"The other way? Like what?" I squinted my eyes.

"Like, we got to spend our time together just the two of us without anyone else. That time we spent together was fun, we shared a lot of jokes and stories, we laughed together and smiled together. It's a good memory if you think of it the way I do, right?" He raised an eyebrow. Why didn't I think of it the way Wonwoo thinks before? It was a negative thing, but if I take it the positive way, it is a good memory.

Wonwoo's right.

I blushed.

"Well, yeah.."

"I'm sorry that we have to eat here instead of eating lunch at the cafeteria." I guiltily mumbled.

"I don't mind, seriously. I'm fine with anything as long as I can be with you." He blatantly conceded.

"Wonwoo, don't you think that you're cheesy?"

"I don't care if I'm cheesy or not, I just said the truth." His blunt counter made me bursts out into a laughter, I couldn't help but to laugh so hard due to how funny Wonwoo looked and sounded just now.

"I'm glad that you found me."

"Thanks for making me smile and laugh, just like what you always did before. Thanks for always comforting me, just like before. And thanks for still being the same Jeon Wonwoo." I smiled softly to him after finishing my remark.

"Cheesy." He retaliated which actually fumes me.


"Just kidding."

"My friends will have their basketball practice after this, do you wanna watch them practicing?" He asked me.


We headed to the basketball court and there his friends are practicing. Wonwoo and I took seats on the bleachers after being greeted by his friends and even their girlfriends. I got to be friends with Jun's, Jeonghan's, Chan's and Jihoon's girlfriends. They're very friendly.

And I swear, Jun, Jeonghan, Chan and Jihoon are so lucky because their girlfriends are so beautiful and cute! Unlike me.. I'm not even the slightest bit close to beautiful. Cute? I'm way too far from that.

"Wonwoo ah, come join us! Play for fun!" Mingyu called.

I turned my head to Wonwoo.

"You should join them, I wanna watch you play." I softly clapped my hands with a small grin.

"You asked for it." He sighed in defeat and joined the boys playing.

I literally couldn't stop gasping, having my jaws dropped, getting my eyes widened and even shouting watching Wonwoo playing basketball. He is incredibly good in basketball! He should've join the tournament!

"Wow, your boyfriend looks so cool." Miyeon said to me, she is Jun's girlfriend.

"Yeah, why does he never join the basketball tournament? He's so good." Hearing what the girls said, it reminds me of something that Wonwoo told me before.

"I don't like having a lot of people looking at me."


this book will end in 3 more chapters :)

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