Chapter 13

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"She's my girlfriend." Wonwoo bluntly stated evidently looking so serious with such straight and poker face.

Everyone's reaction are the same, they got their eyes widened as they gasped, same goes to me too. My mind is still processing about what I've heard just now. My heart starts pounding very quickly and soon I can feel the burning sensation on both my cheeks.


Wonwoo's girlfriend?


My boyfriend?

"Yah! Why do you never tell us about her?!"

"How long has it been?!"

"Woah~ I can't believe Wonwoo hyung actually got a girlfriend!"

And the boys all gathered around him, bombarding him with lots of questions regarding him and me, meanwhile I'm just standing still here, not knowing what to say nor react.

What is this feelings..? I am happy and excited to hear that but at the same time I am addled too.. Of course, I've always wanted to experience dating, I've always wanted to be in love and I've always wanted to have a boyfriend.

But.. Is Wonwoo being serious about this?

At some point, I feel like I don't deserve him..

I don't know what's wrong with me.

After everything are settled, all of us sat on the bleachers and I noticed there are around four girls here which I confirmed to myself are their girlfriends. Well, of course they do have girlfriend. Look at them, they're the school's basketball team representative and they will join any basketball competition. They're all so good looking, no reason for them to be dislikes by the girls.

Wonwoo sat beside me.

It feels so awkward..

"Alright guys, raise your hand if you really wanna join the basketball tournament." Seungcheol raised his hand while raising an eyebrow, waiting for their response.

A few of them raised their hands.

"Nice! There's seven of us. So, seven of us are confirmed to join the basketball tournament." Seungcheol confirmed.

"W-why didn't you join?" I asked him.

"I don't like having a lot of people looking at me." His answer reminded me of something.

Why? Perhaps, it's because of our past? People bullied us and all the attentions went to us, maybe that's why he don't like it when there's a lot of people looking at him? Because it reminded him of that?

After the discussions are done, Wonwoo and I continued walking around the school.

But in silence this time.

"Do you meant what you said earlier?" I questioned though I'm actually nervous to ask him that and even more nervous to hear his answer.

He stared at me with a baffled look.

"Nevermind." I smiled to him.

"Why, Aru? I know I never asked you first. If you don't like it or if you need some time or if you don't feel the same way-"

"N-no! I.. I'm fine with it." I blushed while smiling sheepishly.

Oh my god.. I finally have a boyfriend? I'm finally experiencing dating someone? And that, my boyfriend is actually my first love? I can't believe my first love when I was just thirteen is actually my first ever boyfriend!

I handed him my phone.

He gave me the puzzled look.

"Wouldn't it be funny that you don't have your girlfriend's phone number?" I raised an eyebrow. I know I'm acting cool but deep inside I am actually so nervous.

We exchanged our phone numbers.

"Are you really gonna go to Juna's birthday party alone?" He asked me again. That's weird, he's asking me that question twice already by now.

"Yeah.. Why?" I tilted my head but he just shook his head with a smile as a reply.


"Mom! How do I look?" I asked my mom and spinned my body around after that.

"Aww, my daughter looks so beautiful! Enjoy the birthday party~" She teasingly whispered to me making me to chuckle.

I haven't tell my mom that I have a boyfriend and that my boyfriend is Wonwoo.. I think my mom will be happy to know that because she knew Wonwoo back then. And I'm even more sure that my mom would be so suprised to see how Wonwoo looks like right now.

I should tell her tomorrow and let her meet Wonwoo.

Without realizing, I arrived at Juna's house. I was in awe staring at her house. Juna is indeed coming from a wealthy family..

Her frontyard are decorated with birthday decorations and there's around ten tables on the yard and I also saw a projector and also the projector screen. I'm sure they're gonna play videos and show pictures for Juna later.

"Hi! You came!" Juna came to me and hugged me and without hesitating, I hugged her back.

"Here, your birthday present." I handed her a cute pink box, seeing her reaction makes me so happy!

"Thank you so much!!"

Juna told me to take a seat and I can see there's few more people. Wow.. Juna does have a lot of friends. If I ever held a birthday party for my birthday, I'm sure the number of guests doesn't even reach ten.

I felt so lonely sitting here alone.. Everyone are chitchatting with their friends but I have no one.. But still, I'm happy to be invited to this birthday party. I can feel the fun vibe are gonna start soon.

"Alright, since everyone are already here, we can officially start the birthday party!!" Everyone cheered so loudly afterwards. I didn't know how to react, I just clapped my hands.

Everyone are singing birthday song for Juna, she stood there and there's a huge cake right infront of her. I was actually stunned to see the cake, it's so beautiful and also looks so delicious. Juna cut the cake and some of her friends help in giving the guests one piece of cake each.

It's been a long time since I last eat cake.

"For Juna's special day, we prepared a video for her! Let us watch and enjoy the video together!" And there a video of Juna started playing. I cannot take my eyes off the screen, Juna is so pretty.. This looks like a music video instead..

"I also prepared something special for my friend, Shin Aru." Juna said the moment the video ended. She pointed her hand to me, everyone turned their gazes to me.

"M-me?" I pointed myself.


Aww.. I can't believe Juna would do this to me on her birthday.. I can't wait to see it!

My eyes widened the moment the screen displays a picture of me and my other classmates when I was a fat and ugly fourteen years old kid. Everyone started mumbling things, my hands started shaking as my tears filling my eyes, getting ready to fall in any seconds.

"My friend Aru used to be very fat. But now look! She's so skinny! Those who wanted to lose weights can ask for some tips from Aru!" And there everyone are laughing for me, I couldn't stop my hands from shaking, all the nervousness are slowly making me feels so weak.

It is repeating.

Everything are repeating.

Juna fooled me. I thought she really meant whatever she said when she wanted us to forget about the past and be friends instead. I trusted her.. I grew fond of her.. But everything was just a lie. She planned this, she planned everything..

I ran away while crying and sobbing, my vision aren't that clear due to the tears I had in my eyes but I careless about it, I just keep running and running.


Why Juna?

Back then.. You told me that you hate me because I was fat.. But I'm not fat anymore, I'm skinny now. Why do you still hate me? Why do you make fun of myself infront of a lot of people?


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