Chapter 14

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Lucky enough, I stopped crying right before I arrived home because if not, my mom would be so worried about it. Now I'm in my room, thinking about what just happened, thinking about my lucks in this life, thinking about my darned life, thinking about my pitiful self.

That's when my phone rings.

It's Wonwoo.

"Are you home by now?" He sounded so concerned right now, I actually forgot to tell him that I've arrived home because he told me to inform him once I reached home after attending the birthday party.

"Yeah. Around thirty minutes ago."

"Why didn't you tell me? I was worried." Now he sounded so disappointed of me.

"I.. Forgot. Sorry, Wonwoo."

"How's the birthday party?"

Hearing his question, I couldn't help but to cry. I ended the call and covered my face with both my hands. Why am I crying? Juna's having fun there meanwhile I'm here crying, broken-hearted.

How could one be so cruel? Be so heartless? Be so evil?

How could she did all those to me..

I laid on my bed and covered my whole body with the blanket, crying and sobbing like a little kid I am.

That's great, how am I gonna go to school tomorrow? I can already imagine how it's gonna be tomorrow. I can already imagine people staring at me, gossiping about me, judging me and maybe even making fun of me.

I can feel someone sitting on my bed and that's when that person slowly moved my blanket, revealing my face. My eyes widened as I was actually suprised, I quickly turned my body away, covering my face.

"What happened?"


"Then why did you hung up?" He sounded so mad and frustrated right now.

"I'm sleepy, I'll talk to you tomorrow."

"You didn't answer my question, you hung up just like that. I'm worried so I rushed to your house and now you're asking me to leave?" Welp, that sounded so exasperated and wrathful.

I sat down and hugged my knees.



"Am I not worthy to be someone's friend?" I asked him as I showed him my tearful eyes. He let out a long and deep sigh before his hand reached mine.

"Those who think you're unworthy to be friend with are those who are missing the fun part." His statement made me perplexed.

"What do you mean?"

"The fun part of being your friend." That made my heart fluttered again. Everyday, I'm falling even more deeper and deeper to him. He certainly do know how to make me fall for him even more.

"What happened, Aru?"

There, I ended up telling everything to Wonwoo. It's making me cry again, I'm such a crybaby. I know nothing but cry hopelessly.

"I knew it."

"I'm sorry Wonwoo, I should've listened to you-" I couldn't continue what I was gonna say the moment Wonwoo pulled me into a hug, my heart are beating faster and more faster because of his sudden action.


"I didn't know you and Wonwoo are attending the same school. I was actually suprised to see him last night. He've grown up into a tall handsome man!" Mom exclaimed the moment I entered the kitchen.

"Huh? Yeah."

"Is this fate or something? You unexpectedly met him again." She teased me. I don't feel like telling her now. I'll tell her when I feel like it. Right now, I already dread going to school. I can already picture what's gonna happen.

"Wonwoo is so handsome and tall and.. Charming. Don't you think?" My mom have these sparkling puppy eyes as she stared at me.

"Well, yeah.. He does look charming." I mumbled, this is making me feel uncomfortable.

After I finished eating my breakfast, as usual I kissed my mom's cheek before going out of the house.

"Bye, mom!"

I went out and there, Wonwoo stood infront of the gate of my house.

"Are you ready to go to school?" He asked me.

I slowly shook my head.

"I'm scared, Wonwoo.." I mumbled, almost sounding like whispering.

"I'm scared that what if.. What if the same thing are gonna happen again? What if Juna make fun of me again infront of her friends? What if-" I stopped talking, I couldn't continue my words as my hands started to shaking.

"Hey, hey, calm down." Wonwoo hold both my hands that are now shaking out of fear, I can feel that my eyes went teary as my heart starts to beat faster because of being too nervous and too agitated.

"Aru, listen to me." He then hold both my shoulders, slightly bending his body and leaned closer to me, staring deep into my eyes. My cheeks feels so hot in all of the sudden as my heart is starting to go crazy.

"The same thing are never gonna happen again, I'll make sure of it." He reassuringly stated.

My eyes went slightly widened as I can feel my heart skipped a beat.

Wonwoo you.. You always make me goes crazy over you.

"Whatever is gonna happen, don't care about them, just ignore them, Aru. Who are they? Are they even your mom? Your boyfriend? They're not. So, why do they even care about you and your appearance? Does it matter to their lives?" He raised an eyebrow.

I took a moment to think.

Wonwoo isn't wrong at all. Whatever he said, he only speak the truth and here, what he said just now are absolutely right. Maybe I should stop caring about them and their opinions about me. It's my life, why would my appearance, my looks and even my size matter to them? It doesn't even effect their lives.

"You're right, Wonwoo. Why should I even care about them.. This is my life, I own my life, I own my body, I own my face. They don't own me.. I belong to myself." I flashed him my tenuous smile.

"That's my Aru." He ruffled my hair as a soft smile appeared on his face. There my heart goes beating faster again.

"You don't have to be scared." Suddenly he pulled me into a hug, my eyes widened with the sudden hug but without hesitating and wasting any of time, I hugged him back.

"I'm always there for you, remember that." He whispered.


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