Chapter 04

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It's been a month now and honestly there are not even a single one peaceful day for both me and Wonwoo. I honestly feel bad that Wonwoo got bullied too because of me.

The bullies are somehow getting worse day by day. There are times when they would ruin our foods, tearing our papers which are school work papers, randomly just push us making us fall, yelling and shouting calling me 'fat and ugly'.

Wonwoo would always stand up against my bullies only to ended up getting bullied along with me.

But despite all the bullies, our friendship are getting closer and stronger. I am happy to have a friend like Wonwoo but at the same time I feel like I should stay away from him.. He's just an innocent kid who got bullied just because he befriends me.

The fat and ugly girl.

I wasn't supposed to have a friend in the very first place.

I don't want Wonwoo to dread going to school as much as I do because of the bullies. I am the reason why he got bullied by the other kids too. I made him involved with me.

I dread going to school very much but, thinking that there's Wonwoo, that's the only reason why I'm going to school everyday.

It's almost PE class now.

We both went out of the class heading to the field with Wonwoo holding my wrist, he always do that. Everyone got their eyes on the both of us while, of course, judging us.

"Ew! That fat girl thinks he's her hero?"

"She got no shame honestly."

"If I ever have a body like her, I would never come to school."

There they go again, as usual. That happens everyday, but I am still not used to it.

Mr. Kim, our PE teacher gave us two balls, one for the girls and one for the boys. They all are playing except me, as usual I'm being left out. Not even a single person offered me to join, this always happen.

Why would they let fat people join? I'll just ruin the game and the mood.

I'm just watching Wonwoo playing football with the rest of the boys. It's not in the friendly and fun way, it's like they're trying so hard to do something bad. I could sense it seeing the way how the boys have all those creepy smiles on their faces.

I knew they're up to something.

Wonwoo got the ball, he keep running while kicking the ball when suddenly Kijung blocked him and pushed Wonwoo.

"Yah! You're cheating!" Wonwoo hollered.

"Huh? What?! Can't hear you!" They continued playing while laughing at Wonwoo.

I quickly run to him but I stumbled on someone's foot which made me fell on the ground, I squealed in pain.


"Look at the two trying to save each other!"

"Aww, so sweet!"

I slowly got up and there suddenly Wonwoo offered me a hand, I slowly reached my hand to his and he helped me to stand up.

"Let's go, we should just ignore them." He smiled, I nodded my head.

When we're on our way to take a seat, suddenly they throw the ball to my head and at the same time throwing it to Wonwoo's head too. It hurts, it really does.

Wonwoo made fists and turned around.

"Who did that?" He asked sternly.

"Me, problem?" That's Kijung, the leader of the boys in our classmates, Wonwoo's biggest enemy, my worst nightmare.

"No, you're the problem."

"Woah, I'm the problem?" Kijung pointed his finger to his own face while asking the rest with his disbelief yet teasing face.

"Yah, yah! Stop fighting!" Mr. Kim yelled.

"We're not fighting Mr. Kim, we're just worried about Wonwoo. He fell while playing." Kijung lied.

"Alright, Wonwoo can take a seat and rest."

One thing I hate the most are their lies. How they fake their emotions, how they fake their feelings and just everything. It's useless if I fight over them and tell the teachers the truth.

At the end, they will still go after me.


Few weeks had passed and things are still as usual, nothing's changed.

I went to my locker to put my books but the moment I opened my locker, a frog jumped right onto my face.

"ARGGHHHHH!!!!!" I screamed in horror, everyone started laughing.

The frog jumped away from my face and I couldn't stop breathing so heavily.

"Aru, are you okay?!" Wonwoo asked as he bent his knees and hold both my shoulders.

"I-I'm okay." But I started crying.

"Aww~ Our fatty friend is crying!"

"Quick! Give her some food to make her stop crying!" And that's when they all starts to throw various types of foods to us.

"Yah! Stop it!" Wonwoo howled, he hugged me to cover my face from being hit by the foods.

Their laughter.. Their shouts and screams.. Everything is like a nightmare to me. This is not the first time, this happened for a several of times already, I should get used to it.

But I didn't.

All I ever did was just crying. Crying pathetically, crying hopelessly.

Wonwoo suddenly help me to stand up and bring me to the toilet. He didn't even care if it's the girls' toilet, he just barged into the toilet with me like it was nothing. He washed all the dirt on my hair, shirt and pants.

"Stop crying, don't let them think that you're weak. They won't pity you no matter how much you cry, they'll make it as an advantage instead." He asserted.

"That's the- only thing- I could do." I said while sobbing.

He took a deep breath and hold both my shoulders.

"From now on, you need to stand tall. Fight them back, I know you're strong." He smiled while staring into my teary eyes.

"I can't Wonwoo, I really can't." I shook my head and covered my face with both my hands.

"You can, Aru. I know you're strong."

For the first time, Wonwoo hugged me.

My eyes widened the moment he got his hands wrapped around my waist but of course, I'm fat so he couldn't really wrap it around my body, only half of my fat body.

I hugged him back.

Despite of all the things that had just happened, Wonwoo managed to make me smile with just giving me a little words of motivation and hugging me. I feel like I'm safe around his tiny arms.


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