Chapter 24

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Harry woke up early the next morning and took his time getting ready. He was going to Diagon Ally with Draco to get their school supplies. He headed down to breakfast and found Remus cooking at the stove while Sirius stood behind him with his arms around his waist. Harry watched them from the doorway. It constantly fascinated Harry just how in love the two were. There was no mistaking that they were made for each other.
"Good morning Sirius, Remus." Harry finally said.
"Good morning." The pair replied.
"Would you like some bacon and eggs for breakfast?" Remus asked.
"That would be lovely, thank you."
Remus served up some eggs and bacon for Harry. Harry took his time eating them as he had a bit of time before he was due to meet Draco. After he finished he said goodbye to Sirius and Remus and Flooed to Diagon Ally. He walked to Madam Malkins and waited outside for Draco. He only had to wait a couple of minutes beforeDraco turned up.
"Hey!" Draco said before giving Harry a quick kiss."
"Let's head in?"
Harry nodded in response. The two headed into Madam Malkins to get more robes. They got measured up and were told to come back in half an hour. So the couple headed back out to go and collect their other supplies. They began with their books, before moving onto potion supplies and other things.
"Oi Malfoy! Move away from Harry!" A voice shouted.
Draco and Harry stopped as a red haired boy stepped in front of them.
"What do you want Weasley?" Draco sneered.
"I want you to go away and leave Harry alone. I don't know why you think Harry would want to be around you!"
"Maybe Harry is being influenced by a love potion? It's the only logical explanation." Hermione piped up.
"What in Merlin's name are you talking about?" Draco exclaimed.
"You need to leave Harry alone you death eater!" Ron sneered.
Harry had had enough.
"I don't need you telling my boyfriend what he can and can't do. And I certainly don't need you to be insulting him like that. You two are the ones who should be concerned about status. You're a mudblood, Granger. And you're a blood traitor, Weasley. Now go away and leave us alone."
Harry grabbed Draco by the hand and dragged him past the two Gryffindors. Draco was quiet, upset about the insult thrown at him. Harry on the other hand, was absolutely fuming. How dare they?! They need to learn to mind their own business. And why on earth do they think they have any say in who Harry spends time with. To think that they genuinely believe that Draco slipped Harry a love potion?! Absolute blasphemy.
"Are you okay?" Harry asks.
"I will be."
Harry's heart aches for the boy.
"Let's go get our robes and head home." Harry says.
Draco just nods. They collect their robes and part ways with a kiss. Harry gets home and goes straight to his room. He grabs his self-inking quill and the piece of parchment that is linked to Tom's.


Harry waits for less than a minute before Tom replies.

What's wrong?

I need to talk.

I'll head over now.

Harry drops the quill and runs downstairs. He pauses in front of the mirror and makes sure he looks respectable. A knock is heard from the front door and Harry opens it. Tom looks marvellous as always. His black robes have a dark green trimming that just draws your attention without it being too over the top. Tom smiles at the sight of Harry.
"Come in." Harry says as he moves aside.
Tom walks in and waits as Harry closes the door.
Harry walks up the stairs and Tom follows behind him. They enter Harry's room and Harry shuts the door.
"What's the matter?" Tom asks.
"Dumblewhore. I don't want to see him. I have to go back to school in a fortnight and I really can't stand seeing his smug ugly face. He's controlling so many people and these people try to be friends with me while hurting the people around me. I can't do it anymore. And to make matters worse, I won't be able to talk to you whenever I want." Harry rants and crosses his arms at the end while a frown forms on his face.
Tom can't help but smile at the boy. He just looks so adorable when he is grumpy.
"Look, I have an idea to get rid of Albus. But I'm not one hundred percent certain it will work. So you're just going to have to bare with me on that one. But I already have a solution to us not being able to talk constantly."
Tom pulls out a notebook and passes it to Harry.
"This works the same way as the parchment, it's just got a permanent spell on it instead of a short term one. I'll keep it on me at all times so I can reply to you immediately."
Harry smiles at Tom. Knowing that he will be able to contact Tom whenever he needs makes him feel a lot better about the school year.
"Thank you Tom. It means a lot to me."
"Anything for you Harry. If I could get away with it, I wouldn't even have you return to Hogwarts. I'd have you stay at the manor with me and I'd teach you myself. I love spending time with you."
Harry blushed and Tom smirked. He just knows that he will get Harry soon. It may take a bit of work, but he will get him soon enough. Of course he will feel slightly bad for Draco, but not enough to put an end to his plan to court Harry. But he's going to have to be kind of subtle about it. He doesn't want Harry to feel bad for Draco. He never wants Harry to feel bad about anything. Ever.
"I love spending time with you too." Harry replies in a whisper, his blush darkening.
Tom almost chokes. Harry never replies to compliments with a returned compliment. This means they are a step closer to being together. Well, it could mean that. It might mean nothing. But either way, Harry will be his.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2021 ⏰

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