Chapter 2

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Vernon quickly let go of Harry's hair and approached the two men. The two men just stared at the shorter, obese man with cold eyes.
"Get out of my house you freaks!" Vernon shouted. His face was quickly becoming purple and a vein popped out of his neck.
"Watch it piggy. It looks as though you might burst!" The longer haired man warned. His grey eyes glinting with amusement. Vernon Dursley's mouth opened as though he was going to say something. But he quickly shut it again when nothing came out. Harry watched as Vernon stood there, the vein in his neck seemed to pulse with anger. But Vernon was at a loss for words. Petunia came down the stairs with Dudley in her arms. Her eyes widened in shock.
"Freaks! Get out!" She screeched. Her voice hitting such a high octave, Harry had to block his ears with his fingers.
"Oh how sweet! You have a baby pig!" The grey eyed man stated, his mouth turning up in an amused smirk.
"That's a child, Siri. But if that's what you're going to go with then the term you were looking for is 'piglet'." The other man said. His tone was a lot more serious, but his eyes had a slight twinkle as though he too, was enjoying his friends antics.
"Ah yes! You're quite right! Thank you for the reminder. What a lovely sight; a pig, with his piglet son, and his banshee of a wife! How endearing. Now back to what we are here for! Hi Harry! I'm your godfather, Sirius Black. And this is my husband Remus. We are here to take you home. Of course, if you'd rather stay here, then you're quite welcome to. Although, I certainly can't see the appeal." His eyes darting from Harry to Vernon, Petunia and Dudley.
Harry immediately ran straight to Sirius who crouched down and held out his arms. Harry reached Sirius and hugged him, though he flinched as Sirius's arms wrapped around his back. Sirius didn't notice Harry flinch as he was too caught up in hugging his long lost godson, but Remus did notice and made a mental note to ask the boy about it later. The men quickly left the angry muggles and apparated away.


They arrived with a pop inside the crowded Leaky Cauldron. They slipped out the back and let themselves into Diagon Alley. The street was full of bustling people. Harry subconsciously tightened his grip around Sirius, resulting in Sirius's mouth to twitch into a small smile.
"Welcome to Diagon Alley, Harry. You will visit here a lot throughout your life. We are going to buy you some robes and some books! That way you can start learning about the wizarding world!" Sirius stated.
Harry's eyes widened as they took in the magical place they had stepped into. There were so many strange looking people about that Harry couldn't just focus on one thing. As they ventured further into the street, Harry saw a shop that sold animals, the sign read 'Magical Menagerie'.
"Can we go there, sir?" Harry asked Sirius.
Sirius looked to where Harry was pointing before exchanging a look with Remus.
"Harry, you don't have to call either of us sir. You can call us our actual names or Dad or something like that. It's up to you. But there's no need to be so formal when talking to us. And we will go there soon, we will just get some books and robes first." Sirius replied.
Harry grinned as they stepped into Flourish and Blotts. The shop was packed full of so many books! Harry could barely read a lot of the titles, but he got excited when he could. Remus picked up a pile of kids books to take to the counter. Harry's heart skipped a beat, his excitement levels through the roof. He's never had his own books before and now he's going to have his own wizard books! He couldn't keep the excited grin from forming on his lips. Remus come back over to them and chuckled at Harry's excitement.
"Is this exciting for you, Harry?" Remus asked with a grin.
Harry just replied with an eager nod of the head. The three of them headed back out to the street and walked into Madam Malkin's. The lady in there got Harry to stand on the little platform as her measuring tape floated around him taking measurements. That was soon over and Remus chose some designs out.
"It will take about an hour, so you can go and wander for a while if you'd like?" The lady suggested.
Remus gave a quick nod as Sirius picked Harry back up. They headed outside and looked around. An idea sprang to Sirius's mind.
"Who wants ice cream?" Sirius asked, his question aimed at Harry.
"I've never had ice cream before. Uncle Vernon told me that only good boys get ice cream. Is it nice?"
Sirius's eyes bulged. He glanced at his husband and Remus had the same look of horror on his face.
"You haven't had ice cream before?! What kind of awful man is your uncle? Ice cream is the best! Come on! Let's go and get some." Sirius exclaimed as he pushed his way through the crowded street to Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour. Once inside the shop, Harry's eyes lit up as he looked at all the colours of ice cream.
"What flavour would you like?" The man at the counter asked.
"Rainbow please, sir." Harry replied quietly.
The man smiled at Harry and handed him his ice cream before finishing up with Sirius and Remus. They paid and went outside to sit on the chairs outside. Harry ate his ice cream as he watched the strange world he has been introduced to. It's so new and exciting, but so strange at the same time. The midday sun was shining just enough to keep Harry warm. His eyes closed as he took a deep breath, his mind trying to savour this moment.
"You ready to go and look at the pet shop?" Sirius asked.
Harry's eyes shot open as he jumped off the seat. He grabbed Sirius and Remus by their hands and pulled them across the street and into the pet shop. He quickly let go of their hands as he started to wander, looking at all the different animals. Sirius and Remus followed closely behind. Harry stopped as he came across a cage with a snake in it. He peered in to find a black snake with a red belly.
"You're cute!" Harry told the snake.
The snakes head whipped around and it slithered closer to harry. Harry stayed calm as he watched the snake with curious eyes.
"A speaker? I haven't come across a speaker in a long time." The snake hissed.
Harry's jaw dropped. He could understand the snake and the snake could understand him!
"What do you mean?"
"You can speak parseltongue. That means you can speak to snakes and snakes can speak back. It's a very rare thing to be able to do. If you listen to yourself when you speak to me, you'll notice that you sound like a snake."
"Wow really? Oh cool! I do too! This is so cool! Anyway, how long have you been here?"
"Since I was a baby."
"How old are you?"
"Turned five today."
"Come on, Harry. We need to go and get your clothes." Remus stated as he grabbed Harry's hand.
The two walked back to Madam Malkin's and collected the clothes.
"Where's Sirius?" Harry asked as they walked back into the street.
"He just had a few things to do, he will meet us back at home."
Remus leant down and picked Harry up. With a quick turn, they apparated home. Harry looked around the room they landed in, before his eyes landed on Sirius.
"Happy Birthday, Harry!" Remus and Sirius shouted in unison.
Harry smiled as the two men hugged him. It ended too quickly for Harry's liking as Sirius ran out of the room. He returned with his arms behind his back. He brought his arms to the front to show Harry a cage. That cage held the red belly snake he was speaking to before. He couldn't contain the squeal that escaped his lips.
"Thank you so much! I love her!" He exclaimed with glee.
Sirius and Remus watched as Harry opened the cage and stuck his arm in, the snake slithered onto his arm and made her way up it. Harry slowly brought his arm back out of the cage and grinned. The snake continued up his arm until her head was level with Harry's head. The snakes tongue flicked out and grazed his cheek before the snake continued across the back of his shoulders and draped herself around his neck.
"I think she likes you." Remus stayed with a chuckle.
And in that moment, Harry couldn't possibly be happier.

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