Chapter 7

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"Mr Potter, can I see you in my office during lunch?"
Harry looks up only to come face to face with Albus. His eyes automatically roll as he sets down his fork and knife.
"I'm sorry, but I have told you so many times that my surname is Lupin-Black. Honestly, I would've thought that it would stick in your head."
"My apologies. So I shall see you at lunch then, Mr Pot- I mean, Mr Lupin-Black?"
Harry looked sideways at the headmaster, feeling the need for eye contact radiating from Albus. Legilimency. Honestly, how rude can you get?
"No thank you. I have prior commitments."
"Excuse me? I'm sure whatever you have planned can wait."
"Professor, he said he is busy. Now, if you would excuse us, we must get to class." Draco pipes up from beside Harry.
The pair stand up and quickly grab their books as they walk away from the dumbstruck old man.
"Yes, Dray?"
"You know he was trying to use legilimency on you right?"
Harry let's out a sigh as he nods.
"I know. I'm just going to have to avoid eye contact with him from now on."


The two boys finish their morning classes and head to lunch. Halfway through a mouthful of salad, Harry is once again interrupted by the headmaster.
"Harry, I need to have a chat with you. Could you meet me in my office in five minutes?" Albus asks.
Harry rolls his eyes so far back that he's surprised he can't see his brain.
"No I can not Professor. I've already told you that I have things to do. I also do not remember us being on first name basis. So from now on, please refrain from calling me Harry. I find it quite disrespectful unless we have a first name relationship."
"You can surely spare a minute of your time for a quick chat. We don't even have to go up to my office. We can just step out into the hall if we must."
"I told you Professor. I. Do. Not. Have. Time." Harry speaks very slowly, hoping that Dumbledore understands.
"I insist that we have a chat."
"Whatever you would like to say can be said here."
Dumbledore looks around and notices Harry's friends watching him very intently.
"Uhh...I'd rather talk to you in private, my boy." Albus let's out an awkward chuckle.
"I assure you, Professor, I am most definitely not 'you're boy'. Whatever you have to say can be said in front of my friends, otherwise you might as well leave and stop wasting my time. Must I remind you that I am incredibly busy."
Albus makes one last attempt at locking eyes with Harry. But once again, Harry avoids eye contact. Albus let's out a huff before turning swiftly on his heel and striding down the length of the table towards his seat at the teachers table.
"Merlin! He tried to use legilimency on you again!" Draco exclaims. A vein in his neck begins to protrude with the anger that Draco is experiencing.
"Honestly, I must admit that I am quite shocked at how persistent he is. But I would definitely appreciate it if he would just give up." Harry sighs with annoyance.
"I do suppose we should give him a bit of credit for being so persistent."
"I just can't believe that he will not listen to my request that he calls me by my surnames. Calling me Harry is bad enough. Now he thinks that 'my boy' is even better. Who on earth does he think he is?!"
"He probably thinks that he is Merlin" Blaise chimes in.
The group laughs at that. All of them thinking that Blaise is probably right. Albus Dumbledore certainly has a big enough ego to believe that he is as good as Merlin.


Harry ignores the voice and quickens his pace, trying to subtly lose the man.
"My goodness, Harry. You are such a quick walker."
Harry continues walking as he rolls his eyes. The man keeping in stride with Harry.
"What would you like, Professor?" Harry asks, the bored tone in his voice is very evident.
"I just wanted to check in with you. How's everything going? How are you getting along with Mr Weasley and Miss Granger? I heard that you're struggling with your schoolwork. I am certain Miss Granger would be more than happy to help you with your schoolwork! I-"
"I am going to stop you right there, Professor."
Harry stops walking and turns to face the old man. He can feel Dumbledore trying to make eye contact but harry makes sure to avoid it.
"I do not know where on earth you are getting your facts from, but I hate to ruin it for you because your facts are completely inaccurate. I do not get on with Mr Weasley or Miss Granger. As you have seen, I am friends with people from my own house. I also can assure you that I am certainly not struggling with my schoolwork. In fact, if I do say so myself, I am the best in all my classes. Therefore, I do not require the help of Miss Granger."
"Oh. But my-"
"This has been delightful, Professor. But I must be on my way. Good day."
With that Harry quickly walks off in the direction of the dungeons. Leaving a wide eyed Professor standing in the middle of the corridor with his mouth hanging open.
"If I were you, I would close my mouth, Professor. Would not want to catch any flies now." Harry calls out without even glancing at the man.
Albus quickly shuts his mouth and storms off in the opposite direction. There has to be a way to get in that boys head.


Severus is sitting in his quarters marking some potions essays from the fourth years. He rolls his eyes as he reads through another imbeciles essay. His eyes snap up from the essay to the door as someone knocks on it. He quickly stands up and strides to the door, his robes billowing behind him. He swings open the door to an impatient looking Harry.
"To what do I owe the pleasure, Harry?"
Harry walks in and takes a seat on a leather armchair. He waits until Severus closes the door and takes a seat before speaking.
"I would like to request that you teach me legilimency and occlumency please?"
"Why the sudden interest?"
"Well Dumbledore keeps trying to use legilimency on me. Of course I keep avoiding eye contact, I'm not as thick as a Weasley after all. But I am interested in what he is wanting to get out of my mind. So, I would like to learn how to get into his mind so I can find out why he is so interested in getting into mine."
Severus stares at Harry for a few moments before nodding slightly.
"I will do it. When are you free for your first lesson?"
"How about now?"
"Alright then. I'm going to need you to completely clear your mind for this."
Harry tried with all his might to clear his mind. Empty it. Do not think of anything. Empty. Pack every thought up and hide them away.
"That was quite impressive for your first try. The only problem is that you were so focused on clearing your mind that you forgot to get rid of the thought of clearing your mind."

Hi everyone! Sorry for the super long wait between the last chapter and this one. I am human after all so I do get distracted and lose motivation. But here's the next chapter finally! Hopefully I won't take as long to write the next chapter! Don't forget to vote, comment and follow please!

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