Chapter 12

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Weeks went by and Harry spent the majority of his time researching. He desperately wanted to find the ritual to help Tom. He'd sneak over to the Malfoy's and spend hours in their library, reading book after book. While he was at home, he'd spend as much time as possible in the library. Sirius and Remus would express their concern to the boy, and to stop the suspicion, he'd spend some time with them. Harry did feel awful, he was finally on holidays but he wasn't spending much time with them. So he made up his mind to take the day off. He waltzed into the kitchen with a small smile on his face. As he sat down, Remus and Sirius exchanged a confused look.
"What's got you looking so pleased this morning?" Sirius asked.
"I thought that I'd take you both out today. Like a family day out...kinda." He replied with a grin.
Remus and Sirius both looked at him with bright eyes and huge smiles. The two jumped out of their seats and ran around the table to him. Sirius made it to him first and wrapped him up in a hug, Remus quickly joining the two.
"Thank Merlin! We were starting to worry about you! You barely leave the library anymore." Sirius exclaimed.
"I know you were! You both told me on a regular basis that you were worried. I've just been studying. I just really want to keep being at the top of my year."
"You also need to relax though." Remus reminded him.
"I know, I know. So, where do you guys want to go?"
The two began shouting different places at Harry and Harry couldn't even catch anything they said.
"Okay, one at a time please."
"Ice cream!" Sirius shouted.
Remus and Harry turn to look at him.
"Ice cream?" Harry asks, confusion lacing his voice.
"Yeah! I really feel like ice cream!" He states excitedly.
"Fine. We will get ice cream. What would you like to do Remus?"
"Let's go to the zoo!"
"Okay. That works then. We will go to the zoo, wander around for a bit, sit down and have ice cream, then finish wandering."
The trio arrive outside London Zoo. Harry pays for their tickets and the three begin to explore


After a long and tiring day, they finally finish walking around the zoo. Sirius enjoyed the lions the most, Remus enjoyed the penguins and Harry had some wonderful conversations with the some of the snakes. They apparate home and quickly say their 'good nights' before they fall asleep.
The next morning, Harry awakens to a tapping on his window, he quickly opens the window and a plain brown owl swoops in. It drops a letter at Harry's feet before flying straight back out. Harry closes the window and picks up the letter. Hogwarts. He places the letter on his bed and heads downstairs to the kitchen. Remus and Sirius are are already eating, he acknowledges them before sitting in front of the fire. He fire calls Draco and tells him to meet him at Diagon Ally in half an hour. After Draco agrees, Harry grabs a dry slice of toast and eats it quickly as he runs upstairs to get ready, not hearing Remus and Sirius judging him.
"No matter what, he will always have Gryffindor in his blood. I hardly imagine eating like that is very Slytherin like." Sirius states proudly.
"But the only reason he's eating like that is because he wants more time to make himself look respectable before he leaves." Remus says with a smirk.
Sirius sighs, knowing that Remus is right. Neither of them mind that their adopted son is in Slytherin, but it's hard to remember that they need to respect their sons house. No matter what.


Draco and Harry stride around Diagon Ally collecting all their school supplies. They stop by Madam Malkin's for some new robes. The pair marvel over the new range of fabrics and styles. Draco and Harry both purchase all the new styles in a range of new fabrics. While waiting for their new robes, Harry drags Draco down Knockturn Ally and into a shady looking book shop.
"What are we doing in here?" Draco whispers.
"I'm just picking up some new books."
As Harry goes up to the counter to pick up his order, Draco stays close to the door. The man at the counter places a pile of books on the counter. Harry picks them up and flips through them.
"You did a good job with these. If I have any issues with these at all, I assure you, you will know about it." Harry whispers lowly.
The man tries to hide a gulp before he frantically nods. Harry turns, his robes billowing, and exits the store, Draco following closely behind.
"What books did you get?" Draco asks.
He catches up to Harry and looks at the books in his arms.
"Wait, they're all you went there for?! You can get those from Flourish and Blotts!"
"I prefer the service from that man."
"Okay then. Whatever you say."
The two pick up their orders from Madam Malkin and as they are about to leave, Harry remembers something.
"I need to go to Gringotts!" Harry exclaims as he hurry's towards the slanted building.
Draco rolls his eyes before quickly striding after him.
As Draco finally reaches him, Harry had just finished speaking to one of the goblins.
"What are we doing here?" Draco asks.
"I'm just curious about something."
A goblin beckons for Harry to follow him, so the two boys race after the goblin. They follow him into a spacious room with a desk in the middle. The goblin sits on one side and gestures for the two boys to sit.
"Seven drops of blood here."
Harry takes the jewelled dagger and cuts himself slightly. He uses his other hand to help squeeze seven drops out and onto the parchment. As the seventh drop falls from the cut, the cut automatically heals itself. Draco watches, intrigued as the drops sink into the parchment. A few seconds pass and words start appearing on the parchment.
"Now, if my suspicions are right, this will reveal that James Potter is not my biological father." Harry explains to Draco.
Harry picks up the parchment and begins to read.
"Full Name: Harry James Snape.
Date of Birth: 31st July 1980.
Biological Mother: Lily Evans (deceased)
Biological Father: Severus Snap
Adopted Father: James Potter (deceased). There is more on here, but I only cared about one thing. Now, how about we remove this glamour?" He asks.
Draco's eyes are wide and his jaw dropped. Who on earth would do such a thing? Then one person came to mind...Dumbledork. He quickly composes himself as he sees the Goblin reciting something, then Harry let's out a scream. The scream is so bloodcurdling that it makes Draco's stomach twist and the colour drain from his face. And as quickly as it had started, it was all over. Harry picked himself up off the floor, thanked the goblin, and strutted out of the room. Draco hurrying to catch up. As they step out, Draco looks at Harry. He has grown and filled out. His hair now sleek and black as the night, reaches just below his shoulders. His face now is a spitting image of Severus. But his eyes, his eyes were emerald green and just seemed to glow.
"Woah." Draco let out.
"What?" Harry asks.
"You look...perfect." Draco states. He quickly realised what he said and blushes.
"Oh my! I didn't mean that! I meant-"
As Draco tried to explain himself, Harry had taken off his glasses, putting them in a nearby bin. The removal of his glasses seemed to make his eyes glow even more.
"-So beautiful!" Draco breathed out.
He quickly realised again and slapped his hands over his mouth.
"Got to go! See you at school!" He rushed out before running off to make his way home.
Harry began making his way home, making a quick stop to buy some hair supplies on the way. As he stepped through the front door, he was met by two very loud and shocked gasps.

Hi everyone! I am so sorry that I haven't updated in so long! I'd make up the excuse that I've been super busy, but I haven't been. I just haven't thought of it for ages. And then I finally did think of it last week, and then I was in a major car crash and I've just been so extremely tired since then. I have been sleeping so much lately! Like 6-8 hours a night (which seems normal, but I usually get 1-3 hours sleep). So I am so sorry! But thank you all for the comments, votes and reads! I do read all the comments and I will work on getting back to you all! And I am officially #4 in the Tomarry charts! I can't believe it! I literally only started writing this because I wanted to write one that I would enjoy everything about 😂 The response is unbelievable! Thank you all so so so much! I'll try and update again soon!

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