Chapter 17

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Severus was ecstatic. He was also very anxious. But for the time being, he was focused on being ecstatic. After Harry's glamours broke, he realised that he could publicly have his son back. He could talk about him. He could be seen talking to him like a normal father would to his son in public. They wouldn't have to hide it behind closed doors. He was tempted to run down from the teachers table to his son and give him a hug and yell to the world that Harry is his son. But he stayed true to his Slytherin self and didn't go and cause, what would've been, a major scene. Well, more of a major scene. After talking to Harry about how they couldn't go and obliviate everyone in the school, he noticed Draco out of the corner of his eye. Draco was standing very close to Harry, still hand in hand. But Draco looked stressed. His eyes would dart to Harry and then gaze into the distance again. Severus could tell that he wasn't stressed about the situation that they are currently discussing, as Draco hadn't had any say in it. It was something else that had to do with his son. But unfortunately, Draco is the sort of person that won't tell you until he's ready, so Severus knows he's just going to have to wait.


The next week at Hogwarts was frustrating for Harry and Severus. The two of them being constantly harassed by students and teachers trying to get details. The two of them had agreed on saying that neither of them new about the situation and Severus only came to the realisation while he was speaking to Harry in his quarters after the glamours came off. Neither of them wanted Dumbledore to know that they had known for a while.
Severus continued to supply Harry with pepperup potions so he could continue studying. But unfortunately, Harry had decided to go against what Severus said (and what he had read in books) and decided to just not sleep at all. Instead, he was spending all night in the chamber. He'd stay there all night continuing his research for a ritual. He would head down there as soon as Draco fell asleep and just head straight to breakfast of a morning rather than back to his dormitory. Draco was getting more and more anxious. He had begun to notice the amount of empty vials next to Harry's bed. He had also noticed Harry's hands were shaking even more than normal.
A couple of weeks went by and Harry continued to not sleep. Draco was sitting beside Harry at breakfast and was just staring at him. Harry's hands were trembling and he was just poking at his food. Draco also noticed how red Harry's cheeks were and how his skin had a sweaty sheen to it. Knowing that Harry would say that he's fine if Draco asked, Draco took the liberty to check himself. He put his hand against Harry's forehead, trying to ignore the sweat that was now on his hand, and  noticed that Harry was burning up. He rolled his eyes and stood up, pulling Harry with him. He dragged Harry out of the hall and pulled off his robes.
"Harry, for someone so damn smart, I do wonder if you have any commonsense at all?! Come on." Draco scolded.
He carried Harry's bag and robes as he held onto Harry as the boy stumbled through the corridors towards the hospital wing. Once there, Madam Pomfrey rushes towards the boy who was on the verge of collapsing. She led him to the closest bed and helped him onto it. As soon as Harry was on the bed he passed out.
"While I do a diagnosis, do you have any idea what is wrong with him?"
"He's been having pepperup potions for a few weeks because he hasn't been sleeping much."
"Who was giving him these potions?!" Madam Pomfrey asked in horror.
"I was supplying them." A worried voice admitted from behind them.
The two turned around to find Severus standing there with a very concerned look on his face.
"Severus Sna-" Pomfrey started to shout.
"Ooh! Snapey is getting in trouble! Naughty naughty snapey boy!"
The three turn to where the voice was coming from to find Peeves' head sticking through the closed door.
"Peeves, now is not the time. Leave." Severus demanded lowly.
Peeves blew a raspberry at Severus before disappearing again.
"How could you be so reckless Severus! You know the students need to be monitored in case they start taking heaps of potions! And you should not have given them to him without explaining to him that he has to still sleep while taking them!"
"He hasn't been sleeping?! Did you know about this?" Severus turns to Draco.
"No! I had no idea! What happens to him now?"
"He's going to have to stay in here and sleep until he's caught up on sleeping and the fever has gone. Now both of you go. You have classes to teach Severus and you have classes to attend Draco."


That night, Harry finally awoke. Looking around he lets out a groan. The hospital wing. Now not only does he have to sneak around the castle to get to the Chamber, he has to try and sneak out of the hospital wing first. Harry silently slips out of bed, deciding to just walk in socks as to be quieter. He slowly opens the door, it creaks a little, but not enough to awaken Madam Pomfrey. He slips out and begins to run to the second floor bathroom, only stopping when he reaches a corner so that he car peer around it to check that the corridor is empty. He makes it to the bathroom and quickly opens the chamber. He doesn't ask for stairs this time and just heads down the pipe. He runs through the chambers to the library, ignoring Aphrodite as he runs past her. He grabs a pile of books off the table that he has been reading at and places glamours on each of them so they look like schoolbooks. He charms them so that if anyone other than him tries to read them, they will just show the content of the books that they are glamoured to be. He runs back out and asks for stairs. He runs up them two at a time and quickly seals the entrance before leaving the bathroom. He quickly runs back towards the hospital wing. He turns a corner only to step on the tail of Filch's cat. He groans and sprints as fast as he can, praying that Filch doesn't find him. He reaches the hospital wing and slips in. He closes the door quietly and turns around to come face to face with Madam Pomfrey.
"Where have you been?!" She asks.
"I wanted to study. So I went and got some of my books."
"You're meant to be asleep."
"I've been sleeping since yesterday morning! I'm not tired anymore."
The mediwitch lets out a sigh.
"I suppose you did have a long sleep. You can study for now. But you will be sleeping in here for a few more nights. Once I am satisfied with how long you are sleeping, then you can return to classes and to your dormitory." She turns on her heel and heads straight back to bed.
Harry gets into bed and begins his research in these books.

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