Chapter 4

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Six Years Later

"Have you got everything packed Harry?" Remus shouts up the stairs.
"Yeah I have!"
"Do you have your robes?"
"Your wand?"
"All your supplies?"
"Of course. I already told you that I've got everything!"
Remus steps into Harry's room and rolls his eyes slightly.
"I know. But I also know that you're nervous so you're mind isn't focusing as well as it usually is."
"Sorry. I'm just worried. What if no one wants to be my friend?"
Remus walks over to Harry and pulls him into a hug. Harry hugs back.
"Harry, you don't need to worry about that. You will definitely make friends with people and you know we will be proud of you no matter what house you get into. So don't worry about anything. You should be excited for th-"
"What?! No one told me that it was family hug time!" Sirius interrupts as he steps into the room.
Sirius runs over and wraps his arms around Remus and Harry. Harry crushed in the middle of the two.
"I can't believe our little cub is going off to Hogwarts!" Sirius cries, tears beginning to roll down his cheeks and land on Harry's head.
Harry let's out a chuckle before speaking again.
"Gross Sirius, you're crying on my head. Anyway, I already told you both I'll write to you whenever I have the time and I'll definitely write to you tomorrow to let you know how today goes. You have nothing to be sad about."
They all let go of each other and Remus points his wand at Harry's trunk.
"Gravitas Penna." Remus mumbles as a light shoots from his wand and hits the trunk.
Harry grabs the trunk and lifts it with ease before saying a quick thanks to Remus. Sirius holds his arm out to Harry and Harry quickly grabs hold. With a quick spin, they apparate to Platform 9 and 3/4.


Harry looks around the platform in wonder. The gleaming Hogwarts Express sitting idly on the tracks as a few students board it while waving goodbye to their families. The platform is full of families crying and hugging their children goodbye and many kids complaining about how unfair it is that they can't go to Hogwarts yet. Suddenly, a red haired lady appears in front of the trio. Soon followed by a whole swarm of red heads.
"Sirius! Remus! How lovely to see you both! I don't realise that you had a kid?" The lady questions.
"Hi Molly, lovely to see you too. Yes, this is Harry. We've had him since he was five. It's his first year this year." Remus replies.
"Oh goodness! Ronald come here. Ronald is also in his first year! Harry, this is Ronald." She introduces.
Harry looks the boy up and down. He wears a burgundy jumper with a big 'R' in the middle. Clearly hand knitted. His jeans have holes in the knees, but not the deliberate holes that are in fashion. The boys face is covered in freckles and his hair is unruly. But Harry holds his hand out for the boy to shake anyway, even if he isn't the ideal crowd he would like to have around. It's somewhere to start.
"Hello Ronald, I'm Harry Lupin-Black." He introduces himself as the boy shakes his hand.
"It's Ron." He mumbles.
"Sorry? I missed that."
"I prefer to be called Ron."
"Okay Ron. Would you like to board the train?"
A slight grin appears on his lips as he nods. He turns to say goodby to his parents and sister as Harry does the same. He gives Remus and Sirius a warm hug each.
"Goodbye Sirius. Goodbye Remus. I shall write to you both. Look after each other."
"Oh I'm going to miss you so much!" Sirius cries out while pulling him into another hug.
"It's going to be strange not having you around the house. I'm looking forward to having you home for Christmas." Remus says while joining the hug.
"I really must go. See you both at Christmas."
Ron and Harry board the train and find themselves an empty compartment. They both place their trunks into the luggage slots and take a seat opposite each other. As the train begins to leave, the two boys begin to chat.
"What house do you want to be in?" Harry questions.
"Well, I know I'm going to be in Gryffindor. My whole family has been. I think Mum and Dad would have heart attacks if I wasn't sorted into Gryffindor. Although apparently the sorting is terrifying. The whole school watches as we get are challenged. It's really hard. That's what Fred and George told me anyway. They're my older brothers."
"They were joking. The sorting is just having the sorting hat placed on your head and it decides where you would be best suited for."
"Oh thank Merlin. Where do you think you'll end up?"
"Well, Remus and Sirius are going to be proud no matter where I end up. But I'm not too sure where I think I'll end up. I seek knowledge like Ravenclaws. I think I'm pretty courageous like Gryffindors, so maybe them? I work really hard like Hufflepuffs. But then I'm really ambitious, so perhaps Slytherin? I honestly could go any way. But I really don't mind. As long as the people in my house are friendly enough."
Harry picked up on the face that Ron made at the mention of Slytherin. His face twisted up in disgust.
"I'll tell you something, there hasn't been a single witch or wizard that has been in Slytherin that hasn't come out bad. That's the house that-"
"That Voldemort was in. Yes I've heard."
"Please don't say his name. People don't like hearing it."
"It's only a name though. It's no different than when I use anyone's name."
Ron just shrugged and changed the subject.

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