Chapter 15

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"There's another serpent here. I suggest you introduce yourself so she knows that you are not a threat to her." Odessa hisses to Harry.
"Hello? I am not here to hurt you. Tom Riddle told me to come down here." Harry hisses.
A slithering sound reaches Harry's ears. Although it is quiet, he can tell that it is a very large serpent. As the slithering approaches Harry, he looks up to find an enormous serpent. A basilisk. He recalls reading about them a few years ago in one of his books about rare magical creatures.
"Tom sent you to me? Why?" The serpent hisses.
"Tom is in an unfortunate state currently. His soul is currently unattached to his body. He's asked me to help him find a ritual to return him to his body. We have unfortunately been unable to find any rituals yet. He told me to come and conduct my research Salazar's private library."
"Tom is needing help? Follow me, young master."
"Thank you. What is your name?"
"Aphrodite, young master. What would you like me to call you?"
"My name is Harry. There is no need for formalities with me."
"Ahh...You are just like Tom. He disliked me addressing him by anything other than his name."
Harry smiled, the thought of Tom getting upset about being addressed as 'master' amused the boy. The fact that all the stories of 'Voldemort' state that he had to be addressed by 'master' or 'my lord' was very inaccurate, but also amusing to the boy as he knows the real Tom. Aphrodite comes to a stop and Harry continues to walk past her. He wakes through a grand doorway and gasps as he takes in the room. Shelves filled with books full the room. The shelves are floor to ceiling and the books look so intriguing. He begins to walk around the shelves, looking for a section on rituals.
"Back corner on the right." Aphrodite hisses from outside the room.
Harry strides over to the corner and finds exactly what he needs. The section on rituals isn't large, but large enough that it's going to take a while to get through. He grabs the first book and sits down on the grand looking chaise. He opens the book and begins to read. To no surprise, the book is written in parseltongue. Even though it doesn't surprise him, it still excites him. He begins to read.


"Harry, we must go. It's nearly dawn and you need to be in your room before everyone awakens." Odessa hisses.
Harry doesn't answer, just continues reading.
"Harry! We have to leave!"
Still no response came from the boy. Odessa let's out a sigh before lifting her tail and whipping it across his cheek. Harry's hand automatically touches his cheek.
"What on earth was that for?!"
"That was for not listening to me the first two times. Now, as I said before, we must go. It's nearly dawn and you have to be in your dorm before people awaken."
"Oh Merlin! You're right! We need to go. Aphrodite? Could you guide us back to the entrance please?"
"Of course, Harry."
Harry left the book on the chaise, open to the page he was last reading. He walks quickly out of the library and follows Aphrodite. They reach the entrance and he says a quick goodbye to Aphrodite as he runs up the stairs. As he enters the bathroom, the entrance closes behind him. He sneakily leaves the bathroom and heads back to the dungeons. He whispers the password and enters the common room. He tiptoes up the stairs to his bedroom. As he enters, he comes face to face with a confused looking Draco Malfoy.
"Where have you been?" He asks.
"The library." Harry replies. Technically not telling any lies.
"Just couldn't sleep so I thought I may as well do some studying."
"How are you not in Ravenclaw?"
"Hey! Slytherin's are ambitious. And I'm just ambitious to be the smartest."
Draco just rolls his eyes and chuckles.
"Well, we may as well get ready for the day."
Harry just nods and the two boys begin to get ready. Once ready, they head down to the common room. It's still early so no one else is down there yet. The boys go and sit in the armchairs in front of the fire.
"Excited for the year?" Draco asks.
Harry thinks about his plans for this year. Hopefully he will find a ritual and be able to get Tom his own body, he will be able to spend time with his biological father that he only just discovered is his father, and more time with Draco of course. Then the thought of this years work popped into his head, dampening his mood. Another year of having to learn everything he's known for years. He almost regrets reading so much before his first year. If he hadn't, then he wouldn't be so bored in class all year.
"You never answered me?"
"Sorry, I just got lost in thought."
"That's okay. So, are you?"
"Am I what?"
"Excited for this year? Merlin! Were you even listening to me at all?!"
"Sorry. I was listening. Just tired. Yes and no. Some things I am excited for, then others I am definitely not. Are you?"
"Of course I am. I get to spend basically everyday with you! Who wouldn't be excited about that?"
Harry blushes slightly and laughs.
"I can think of a lot of people who would not be excited by that."
"Well, those people have clearly lost their minds then."
"Coming from the one who is excited about spending nearly everyday with me? I think you are the one who has lost his mind. Let's head up to breakfast?"
"I haven't lost my mind at all! I'm the normal one. Yes please! I'm starving."
Harry gets up off his armchair and grabs Draco's hand, pulling him of his armchair. The two just let their hands drop between them, still clasped together. They wander slowly through the halls. Neither of them in any hurry as it's still so early. They walk the doors to the great hall and take a seat at the Slytherin table. Their hands unclasp as they sit and begin to place food on to their plates. Harry looks up at the teachers table. Albus isn't there yet. Not many teachers are. His eyes trail along the table, stopping when he makes eye contact with his father. He tilts his head towards the doors leading out of the hall. His father nods and gets out of his seat. He strides through the hall and out the door.
"I will be right back. I am just going to say hi to father." He whispers in Draco's ear.
Draco just nods as Harry gets up and leaves the hall. He steps into the empty classroom next to the hall and closes the door. He waves his wand, removing his glamour.
"Merlin, it is so nice to be free of that." He states with a sigh of relief.
"I can imagine." Severus replies.
Severus walks over to Harry and wraps his arms around him. Harry returns the hug.
"Good morning father."
"Good morn- Did you even sleep last night?"
"No. I couldn't get to sleep."
"Does this happen often? I can give you a potion for it if you need?"
"No. It's okay. It was just a one off."
"If it keeps happening, tell me and I'll give you a potion."
"I will."
"We should head back to breakfast, the hall is probably filling up now. Come and see me after dinner this evening."
"Will do. See you soon, father."
"Don't forget to put your glamour back on." Severus replies as he steps out of the room.
Harry sighs in disgust as he flicks his wand, placing the glamour back on. He walks out the door and heads back to breakfast. Already bored of the "learning" they will be doing today.
"Ready for the day?" Draco asks.
"Not even slightly." Harry replies.


Hi everyone! So sorry that it has been such a long time since I last updated. I'm just so busy at the moment with work and other things I barely have time to write. I would write at night except I'm always so tired. I'll try to get back on top of writing so I'm getting somewhat regular updates out again! Once again, sorry about the long wait!

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