Those Flappy Jackets Though

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You know when you do one part of something and you're like cool and then you try and do the other side to match and you're like huh

Hi, welcome to my Ted Talk. This is gonna be a long chapter

Anyway, I have made a fanart! Yes, this is the thing I referenced in the last chapter. Yes, it took forever. No, it's not Almoons fanart. Yes, I'll give you a moment to recover

Just a little backstory on the two characters here:

Ben Ten, aka Benjamin Tennyson, (yes, this is the green guy), is a kid who got an alien watch and can use it to turn into 10+ different aliens to fight other evil aliens. It spans 4 shows, the first when he's 11/12??, then three when he's about 16 or so. The art style and outfits switches between shows, so mine's a combination of Alien Force Ben and Omniverse Ben cuz I like his jacket. 

Rex, whose last name isn't really a spoiler but it's not revealed until season 3, is a 15 year old (supposedly, the guy looks and acts like 17 so) who uses microscopic machines in his body called nanites to transform different parts of himself into giant machines. It's really satisfying to watch, actually, I highly recommend

Okay! Now that that's out of the way: Art time

Okay! Now that that's out of the way: Art time

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14 hours. That's how long this took. And like 9 of them was just drawing and lining. 

Okay, the reason this fanart exists is because there is a 2 part crossover episode between the two shows that I'm super excited to watch, and it's actually how I found out about Generator Rex in the first place. Now I have a lot to talk about with this one, so buckle up (though I wouldn't blame you if you just skipped all this)

First thing: thumbnails sketches. Literally a life saver when it comes to these things. I cannot draw big to save my life, so taking a small square in the corner and sketching with a semi-big brush allows me to be a lot looser with the poses and just helps me know where to place stuff and whatnot. Then I literally enlarge it to fit the canvas and draw over it. (Those if you on Instagram will see what I mean)

Second random note: if you're going to have a dark background, choose your colors with your background active and test them out (especially skin tones). Color is extremely relative, so something that looks fine and dandy on a white canvas might not translate well when you surround it with black. 

Also the reason Rex is in the air is because he was gonna be flying (which he can do, he's got like engine powered airplane wing things it's cool), but then I just ✨no✨

OH!! I've said this a couple times, but I found a new lineart brush that I actually really like. It's kinda rough, but it lets me be a lot sketchier with my line work which is something I'm trying to work on

Buy hour 13 I was very tired, so lighting became "let's take a hard brush and scribble and mess with blending modes" and that is what I did and this is what happened 

Okay that's it, if you guys have any questions feel free to ask, idk 

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

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