I Swear This Was An Accident

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Here's a relatable question:

What do you do when you accidentally make your character's birthday the same as Elvis Presley's?


This is what you do.

That's right folks! Aidyn's birthday is January 8th, which is apparently the same day as Elvis's

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That's right folks! Aidyn's birthday is January 8th, which is apparently the same day as Elvis's. Did I know this at the time? No I did not. In fact, I didn't even know Elvis had a birthday. Like obviously he did, but I firmly believe there was no time before Elvis, he's kind of timeless

Anyway, am I complaining? Definitely not

And as Ref pointed out, this is also part two of Damon Forcing Aidyn Into Outfits Against His Will

We'll see if we can make it a series

Hope you all have a wonderful day!

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