The exact same thing as my first art book, but without the super cringy art I put in there for progress reasons XD Started May 14th, 2021
(Cover art's not mine)
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Profile views are hard man...still not sure I did it right but you guys don't need to know that
What to say about this one, what to say...
This idea hit me on a whim, not gonna lie. Usually I think about these "bigger" pieces for a little before attempting them, but I had a good feeling about this one, and I strangely didn't struggle as much as I thought I would? At least, it feels like I didn't, but the time it took says otherwise so who knows
You can see me trying to figure out a lighting style still...idk what these geometric designs are, but uh...they're in the world now (I say designs like they aren't just triangles and lines)
Guys my brain does not work the way I wish it did, I cannot figure this coloring style out for the life of me
Anyway, I genuinely love these two and wish I could actually write their story (not that I actually know what it is but I have both their personalities down in my head and it's so fun) but unfortunately, writing anything longer than an Almoons chapter seems to be an incredible struggle
Also what's character voice lmao
(That lmao was purely ironic I promise I'm in character guys)