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Cleveland ran and soon reached the burning settlement.

Blood splatters and bullet impacts littered the floor.

Cleveland had to hold back her breath as she stepped over some and entered the courtyard. They even had a little fountain.

The village looked bad as Cleveland looked around the open field.

*Horrifying isn't it?*

"Shut it. Your people did that," said Cleveland in a whisper and made a shushing noise. She received only an exhale.

*You will see.*

Deciding to not even reply Cleveland moved through the destroyed village. She saw very few dead bodies which filled her with the hope that many had survived but every single one she found was a sign of her failure.

"Looks like the siren attack wasn't as successful. Good," said Cleveland relieved.

She moved now relieved through the village, no scream filled the sky and Cleveland relaxed a little.

"Looks like I chased away the sirens. Ha aren't brave enough to face me you cowards." cheered Cleveland a little.

The only thing that bothered her was the silence. Besides the flames, she heard nothing, complete utter silence.

"Come on there must be a survivor," said Cleveland as she walked into a not that destructed house. It was still in shambles with its furniture and broken walls. All in all, it was a miracle the house still stood.

"Hello? Anybody home?" asked Cleveland as she walked through multiple rooms.

From the number of rooms, this must have been a house of many. Or a hotel.


Suddenly a red dot appeared on the minimap in Cleveland's vision. Its text said 'living being' so Cleveland made her way over to that.

Cleveland almost wanted to thank her head siren but she has been awfully quiet the entire time. She was calmed and somehow worried by that.

On the second floor, the third room on the left was her destination.

It looked like a child's bedroom with many toys on the ground. Somehow a music box with a children's song was playing while it sat on the table.

"This looks like the perfect horror movie scene, not gonna lie, "Cleveland said as she looked around. She walked over to the table and set the music box to stop."There, sooo."

The one she searched was under the bed so she did the only logical thing she could do. Sit down on a stool at the table.

"I know that you are there. Under the bed."Cleveland said and looked at the bed."You can come out, I drove away the bad guys."

Slowly a head came out from under the bed. She looked about 6 and very scared.

"You not hurt me?" the girl struggled out. She was so shaken she couldn't even form a straight sentence.

She sat herself on the bed and looked at Cleveland while holding a bright teddy. The teddy and the girl were covered in splatters of blood that made Cleveland worried.

"Are you ok?" asked Cleveland as she looked at the girl who seemed to flinch at every sound that was made. Be it wood or fire.

"What happened?" asked Cleveland and the little girl began to cry.

"They came, the demons from the sea." she said and gulped."They rained fire and booms all over the houses."

Cleveland began to sweat. She was angry with herself for wasting too much time on the way here. She could have saved them all from the sirens."I am sorry, I would have protected you all if I had been quicker."

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