Truths and misery

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The two non-former-ships stared at the former ship with a bit of confusion. “We know that you look like Cleveland.”

Cleveland facepalmed. “You aren’t listening to me.” She shook her head. The two had no Idea what she was talking about and it made her have a severe headache.

“We are listening.” Elma said as she repositioned herself in the water. “It's just you who speaks incomprehensible stuff.” Elma huffed. “Also you only look like her, you definitely aren’t her.”

*Oooh this gotta be good. Ok make them not hate you while you explain.*

“Elma. I am Cleveland, I am more Cleveland than that copy of me there.” Cleveland said enraged. Everytime she thought about that imposter her blood boiled. But the plan she had for that one wasn’t important right now.

Andrea gawked at their discussion. “Aren’t you modeled after her?” Cleveland did look like Cleveland just with a siren aspect so the human saw just that.

“No, I am Cleveland.” Repeated Cleveland. She was walking around and rubbing her forehead, her nudeness not bothering her at all. She was trying to say what was needed but the two idiots in front of her got less than train station.

“You can’t be her and you know why.” Elma said bluntly. She was getting a headache from her siren friend's actions. The enforcer knew what she believed so had no problem speaking that out loud. “It’s clear as day why you aren’t USS Cleveland.”

“I literally don’t get you Elma.” Cleveland said annoyed. “Spit it out, why would I know that I am not the shipgirl Cleveland even though I literally am.”

“You freaking fought her. That’s enough of a reason to see that you aren’t Cleveland, Beta.” Proofed Elma with a smile. “Look at your body, you are a siren. Why do you think you are a lowly human made product?"

Andrea, to that comment, gave her a glare. “I take offense to that.” She shook it off.

Elma had to look sorry. “Sorry but shipgirls are literally copies of us if you think about it, be it very bad copies.” Pointed Elma out and stood right. When you think about it, sirens and shipgirls are basically functioning the same. The only difference is that sirens, next to their incredible advanced stuff, look and act differently. The way they use riggings and most weapons of them were rather similar.

*It’s quite the opposite but ok.*

“Yes I fought her!” Cleveland said with anger. “I fought that damm clone of me and didn’t kill her because I will break her and show her that she ain’t the real one.”

Andre could only look. The siren was twitching lightly and her deep glowing eyes showed unimaginable bloodlust. “Damn you two certainly hate each other's guts. Did the shipgirl Cleveland hurt you or so?”

“Oh yes, she took my spot in Azur Lane. MINE!”  Screamed Cleveland and punched the wall, thankfully not hard enough to crack it. “Even my sisters think that one is the actual Cleveland. The clone. It’s to milk mice.”

“There are more Observers?” Asked Andrea and was met with a hand on her shoulder. Elma exhaled. “There are normally only one or two of the high sirens, two being a rarity in itself like Beta over here.”

"Her name is actually Beta, although she prefers Cleveland. Good to know." Said the woman as she looked at Cleveland.  The siren might look firm and physically a lot less bulky than some bodybuilders but Andrea knew hard enough to not mess with her.

“Yes, Beta is the siren name that I won't take as my real name, but sure, yes I am an Observer. The only one alive for a matter of fact.” Huffed Cleveland as she plopped herself into the water. “And how many were there of you Elma? How many Enforcers did your master have?”

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