Lane of Memories

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"Well that was bright." Complained Elma as she rubbed her eyes. "It also hurts, you know that Cleveland?" She stood up and tried to spot the enemy. She was more or less blind due to whatever light trick Cleveland pulled off.

Elma slowly got her vision back and was surprised to find herself in nothing but a black void. The only thing that was there was a bit of solid ground under her feet.

"Wait what?" Elma gawked out as she looked around. She was alone in this black void as she found out but what confused her the most was how she got here. She remembered that she was fighting the Northern Parliament girls mere seconds ago, she even stared down the barrels of Rossiya's rigging. Then Cleveland suddenly used a giant blue light, and now she was here for some reason.

Elma could only look around in confusement. "Where am I?" She carefully took a step forward and was pleasantly surprised to find out that the way ahead of her formed itself from some rubble flying in front of her. Said rubble seemed to just appear from thin air.

"Convenient." Elma said out loud and followed the line. Walking for a few minutes in total silence and darkness might be a bit creepy to some but that didn't bother the Enforcer at all. "Ok this is getting weirder and weirder. Where am I? Cleveland? Are you there?" She got no answer and only walked forward. She tried flying but for some reason just couldn't so she had to continue her way on foot.

Bonking her head against a lantern of sorts brought her out of her thinking to what was blocking her abilities since she found out that she couldn't even use her rigging, and she tried summoning it for her own protection. Her own halberd didn't even bother appearing as well.

She looked at the thing and stumbled back upon her act of hitting her head on it. She was trying to make herself a better picture of the lantern that somehow just floated in the air and stumbled a bit back but then suddenly bumped into something with her back that was definitely not there before. Turning around she saw....a building?

"Where did that come from?" Elma asked as she looked at it. It was a put together piece of wall that seemed to just float in the air. In fact the longer Elma looked around the more a scene seemed to be built from nothing as the parts just flew in. She found herself standing at a dock of sorts and was kind of confused since only one side of it appeared. "What is this?"

The other side of the dock formed and a bright light next to her but Elma shielded herself from the light with her hands. "Again? Seriously." Gasped Elma and felt around. She grabbed something solid and warm, probably a lantern, and held onto it. The light disappeared and Elma was set upon a fully built port, resembling the one in the Sakura Empire.

"Ok this is strange." Elma said as she looked around. "Cleveland what did you......." She was about to question things but got distracted by looking to the right.

Directly into the face of a Northern Parliament battleship which hand she was holding.


The northern girls had it the same yet different. They saw the siren do an attack that blinded them before they were thrown into a free fall in a void of nothingness. Without anything to do they steeled themselves but were soon again blinded by a bright light. Gladly they landed softly on solid ground.

"Is everyone ok?" Asked Belorussiya as she rubbed her eyes after they landed. All of the Northern Parliament shipgirls had seen a bright blinding light. Afterwards they felt like they were falling and grabbed the first object they could find. These objects turned out to be each other. Slowly standing up and finding their balance again the girls looked around.

"This is freaky." Said Gangut as she was fascinated by the blackness. "What did that siren Eagle girl do back there?" She took a few steps forward and found rubble and metal forming a pathway in front of her. "Hey, the ground is building."

The other girls were looking over and trying the same. They all found it freaky and strangely fun. "I have no idea how to explain this but it is quite funny. I definitely want to know how this works and I want to use it." Soobrazitelny said and was trying to come up with explanations to this but found none.

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