Striking truth

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Hood was confused by that statement. She crossed her arms and looked Weser in the eyes. She didn’t quite get what she said. “Excuse me? What did you just say?”

“Well apparently you are deaf. Since you want me to repeat it?” Cleveland huffed and stared right back. “I said no. Clear and square. Capiche!"

Hood took a step back. Even all the others behind her looked confused by their friend saying this. In Hood’s mind, Weser was on her side after all. “Are you refusing my direct orders? You know that you get punished for that. Why would you do that?”

“Because it's a stupid order.” Cleveland admitted. She walked past the stunned Hood and looked at the other Ironblood girls. They still had their riggings on the Northern Parliament but their attention was solely fixed on her. “Do you guys even see what you are doing there? This is not how you behave towards friends.”

“Weser, what the hell are you doing! Hood just ordered us to detain them! They aren’t our friends anymore.” Bismarck said with anger. She stomped in front of Weser and looked at her with anger. “Do what she says! She is the commander and you have to obey her orders.”

“I have to die someday but nothing more.” Cleveland answered while pointing at Hood. “And you should really start to think for yourself. You are the commander here as well and you should see that attacking our own allies is a freaking mistake of unspeakable caliber. How about you investigate what actually happened before you do anything? That goose over there called Hood has no damm right to be called commander anyway.”

The two Destroyers behind Bismarck dropped their aim as what Cleveland said went through their heads. They were kind of agreeing with Weser. Bismarck however looked just more aggressive.

“My love is the commander of this faction. You have to obey her! She says they are evil and so they are. No investigation needed.” She said as she clenched her fists. She aimed her rigging from Soyuz to Weser. Cleveland didn’t even look impressed by that. She could most likely dodge them anyway.

“And love doesn't stand over common sense. You apparently lost both though and replaced it with blind obedience to a madwoman.” Cleveland beat back. She walked past Bismarck and went in the direction of Soyuz. “Now if you excuse me, I would like to help our friends.”

“What you are doing there is treason.” Hood explained as she followed her with her eyes. All of them actually did. “If you proceed I have to declare you the enemy as well.”

“You would declare one of your own as the enemy for trying to clear a more than unfavorable situation?” Soyuz said with disappointment in her voice. “And Bismarck believes that without even questioning. How deep have you two fallen?”

“Oh you would know that topic by heart, don’t you Hood?” Cleveland said as she dusted Soyuz up a bit. She made sure she was fine. “You make this decision only because you want them dead because, unlike everyone of this faction, they don’t believe every lie you tell them. They want this world to be better, which is probably the opposite of what you want. And because I have something against that and use common sense, unlike a lot of people here, you also want me executed? Pah.”  

Hood snarled a bit. “What are you lying about? I am not lying. They attacked me. We need to detain them.” Cleveland didn’t even react since she already guessed that this was nowhere near the truth. She just looked at Soyuz and without saying it, asked if that was the truth.

“We started attacking you after you poisoned several of us, held a sweet monologue about how you hate us, and that your next action will be how you kill us.” Soyuz answered that. She was about done with this. “You told us all of that and now you want to deny it? We better go look at the recordings of the base that survived your explosion to show that you started this.”

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